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  1. kscheel

    Late 40s/Early 50s CWC Luxury Liner

    Thanks pappy. Unfortunately I don't have any idea if the lens was glass or plastic. I'm thinking plastic though. When I get the bike home Friday I'll get some measurements. Also I'm really thinking of throwing a set of brick red tires on it. I've seen others that have done the same and it looks...
  2. kscheel

    Late 40s/Early 50s CWC Luxury Liner

    I posted about this bike in the ID/Valuation section. Today I sent the old man out to meet the owner and see if he could work a deal. I would have gone, but alas I have work and the lady could only meet in the morning. The asking price was $400 which isn't terrible. After some negotiation he got...
  3. kscheel

    Need Price Help on CWC Roadmaster Luxury Liner

    A CWC Roadmaster Luxury Liner has turned up locally. Skip tooth, springer fork, crested headlight, battery operated taillight. It's been in a basement for years and shows it. Minor rust and crud accumulation, some scratches and paint loss on the tank and chain guard. Tires are toast and the seat...
  4. kscheel

    Barn Fresh Higgins!

    Typically the reflector you see mounted to the back of your front fender will be found on the rear fender.
  5. kscheel

    b.f.goodrich badged schwinn

    Nice bike with lots potential. It should clean up nicely, hopefully with a little elbow grease you can get some shine and pop back into that paint. I see burgundy and white tanks on ebay fairly often, but they never seem to for less than $150. I think it would be worth it though to try and find...
  6. kscheel

    Chestnut Hollow time!

    I live fairly close to them and I stopped in this past June to have a look around. The whole family is quite hospitable and friendly. What I expected to be a 20-30 minute visit stretched to over 2 hours. I was delighted, my girlfriend not so much... :roll: I did inquire about buying some things...
  7. kscheel

    Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

    It's antics and gimmicks like this that make my not even want to watch any of those non-reality shows. Personally I like Gas Monkey's build but, in the end it doesn't matter what any of the bikes were built like or who wins. The end product always seems to be the same with stuff like this, lots...
  8. kscheel

    What the heck is the bolt called?

    Just call Memory Lane, they'll be able to help you out.
  9. kscheel

    How old are you!!

    I'm 24. My Dad collected ballo0n tire Schwinns for many years. I grew up thinking that a bike was strange if it didn't have a tank and a fact I still think that :D
  10. kscheel

    55 (or 56??) Wasp

    Nice score, I really like that dark blue color. One of their opalescent colors I think
  11. kscheel

    Pedal Problems...

    Well I was riding my 1948 Roadmaster yesterday to take advantage of one of the last few days of decent weather and I started to hear some squeaking. I've put about 20 miles on the bike and all was fine up until yesterday but, as I rode the squeaking would come and go. It started off very faint...
  12. kscheel

    Schwinn Streamliner

    Wow, thats a great find! Go buy a lottery ticket or something, you might be on a roll! I'm envious. What does the serial number decode to? Also it looks like its an S7 bike? Is that right? I have a 1956 Streamliner that is an original S2 tired bike.
  13. kscheel

    Removing Tape Residue

    Depending on what the surface the residue is on I usually go with Goo Gone or lighter fluid. If its really nasty and I'm feeling lucky I'll use Goof Off. Best to be very cautious with Goof Off, use a little at a time and pay attention to what you're doing!
  14. kscheel

    Another girls Phantom, Elgin, Silverking

    Very nice haul!
  15. kscheel

    Vintage Schwinns with Bendix 2-Speeds

    I'm currently restoring a 1956 Streamliner with Bendix 2-speed rear hub. I'd like to see what others have done with their 2-speed bikes. My restoration is still in the early stages so maybe you all can give me some ideas. Here's my bike...
  16. kscheel

    Are These Hub Parts Worn Out??

    Well I never actually road the bike it was installed on so I can't say for sure but, I can definitely see myself reinstalling these and having a problem. I don't want to have to pull this thing apart again.
  17. kscheel

    Are These Hub Parts Worn Out??

    I see, brake shoes, that does make sense. A guy on the CABE said he has NOS shoes, if that deal doesn't work out I'll either just cut new grooves or just say forget it and go with a New Departure or Bendix single speed. This 2 speed setup does seem to be wuite the cats meow I thought it would be.
  18. kscheel

    Are These Hub Parts Worn Out??

    Well, I tore into my Bendix manual 2-speed hub today. Everything seemed to be in great condition except the two pieces shown below. I can't say I know the proper names for them but, what I can say is that one of them looks to have a good bit of wear. Can I get away with reusing them or am I...
  19. kscheel

    Broken Parts...Need Some Replacements

    Well i found out that Memory Lane sells these for $1.50 each so I plan to pick up several next week at their swap meet. Don't wanna get caught unprepared again.
  20. kscheel

    Broken Parts...Need Some Replacements

    The other day I was randomly looking at my 1948 Roadmaster and I noticed that the rear tire seemed to be shifter awfully far to left. Not seeing an obvious answer I pulled the back tire off and found that one of the adjusters in the dropout had the tip broken off. Not really sure when or where...