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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike thank you it should be a simple construction but I got carried away may be no artist but I like working on a vehicle wheel after this bike, there are two more to come a fact with a friend and I'll make for my wife
  2. champx

    french famous bicycle whith motor.......and hubless!

    thanks, I sold to make space the system works but not fast a video: the wheels are too soft with a stiffer fork and wheels made of hard plastic he could run normally this machine is a functional sculpture to put on display painting is simple: I used...
  3. champx

    french famous bicycle whith motor.......and hubless!

    another project based on famous french motorized bicycle: the "velosolex" I left this: to get to that the idea was to make a hubless on an old wreck of change and reinforced frame Skate wheel etc. I hope that this project has its place on the forum or you can remove
  4. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike thanks a lot I'm looking forward ....... so I mounted the front end of the bike to take pictures with my camera (the tof of the phone are good but do not make the reality!) I'll post them to really see the quality work of my friend!
  5. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike more ... crank and fork painted black perfect (My painter has gold in his hands!) the handlebars and also painted my handles handmade (I made the leather washers and I machined end caps to keep the bronze washers) urges the rest of the bike for reassembly
  6. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike hello, I made my headbadge this is my signature it's a small detail but it is important I used the method of embossing metal (?), lime and polishing machine
  7. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike hello welding I did as you said, this is the first time I weld aluminum I learned the lesson for next time! otherwise I'm happy because the painter is progressing well on the bike I was amazed by his finishing work on the fork! (Primed in gray) I'm anxious to see the rest I...
  8. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike thank you! I also really like the shifter and the cranks there are other details to come as the leather-based handles with washers, an overview: pump stand leather Custom rod speed the restored lighthouse an overview of color a video of the bike driven by a friend...
  9. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike the shifter the wheels and now just before paint the continuation and end in the week when the frame is out of paint
  10. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    Re: limo bike I hurt it on the welded ...... is now repaired
  11. champx

    limo bike --------- some news p.5

    here is my bike handmade I just used from head tube has built bike peugeot there are only painting that is being I made the wheels with a three-speed hub and coaster brake tube used was bent with an old folding The pedalboard is a giant bearing on where I milled two shells aluminum I cut the...
  12. champx

    newbie from france

    hello, I'm french and it's been a while since I read you your forum looks a lot of people living with I want to share my creations with you I started in the world of cycling and I make it myself my bicycle Excuse me for my broken English