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  1. C

    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker I have a couple of 110's and can't waite to see what you come up with. Love your work...........Curt
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    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker Super KOOOOOL, Waiting???????????????????????
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    The Racing Pedigree

    Prolly a little over kill but good ideas for smaller one that would be just as efective............Curt
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    The Racing Pedigree

    This guy is doing a awesome job of braceing. Something for everyone to see and do. Great ideas.............Curt
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    The Racing Pedigree

    I think you should study on rake & trail I think you will have trouble if you don't. Here is a couple sites........Curt ... explained/ ... il_101.htm ... e%201.aspx
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    Motor kit

    Go ahead and use the old Schwinn they are plenty strong,there is a lot of guys use them ( check on this and the DIY section ) All the old bike and i think motorcycles were Brazed. Right here on the fourm 58 Schwinn build. ..........Curt
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    I found it!

    I would beaf up the oil diper make it bigger. I had a 1 1/2 hp briggs back in the 50's and ported it out unhooked the govener and increast the speed from 25 to 35. But it also flatend the crank from over reving ( only 15 then didn't know much and nobody else did eather ) With good oil they have...
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    Another amen another thing is that they want to put to big of motors on them and they are just bikes 2 or 3 Hp is a great plenty for a bike. I was brought up in the 50's and all we has were washingmachine motors they were about 5/8 hp and did good at making the old bikes go around town. Most...
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    I found it!

    Acually back when i was a teen ( in the 50's ) most run a washingmachine motor and they were only 5/8 or 3/4 Hp. They were good for 20mph or better. Sure was fun and the only ones you could find were home made unless they were friction drive kits that were eathe on front or rear wheel. Infact...
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    AMEN to that threr are a lot of builds were they just don't consider Rake and Trail and just think they can tip the front out and think they can go. Then if you add a motor you are looking at a desaster,total lack of control......Curt
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    Heretic starts new bike

    I think anything that is light waight would work,just that they will be stiffer and need less leves. I know one guy used a culf cart spring and usedd just the one leaf. Its just that snowmobiles are light waight and flex easyer. There is some useing trailer springs and seem to work out. ......Curt
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    The Racing Pedigree

    With the head tube tiped out like that its gouing to be harder ti stear,the rake& trail is off. Its comeing along nice........Curt
  13. C

    I found it!

    AWESOME magneto and all,what is it?.................Curt
  14. C

    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker WOW thats big,should be super nice when all finished. We had -22 degrees here this morning. Thats what i have in my ceiling and i might blow in some more. My little home shop is 20x24 half of the garage. 24x40............Curt
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    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker Thats what you call a good mess it will be worth it all when you are done. Going to sheet the cieling in to?...........Curt
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    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker Welcome i just wonder if one could by just the spring from a parts store? Will have to do some checking.......Curt
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    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker I waqs over to my neighbors and he was working on a 69 Nova for a guy. In the back seat area laid the hand crank window control. On it there is a nice flat wound spring that looks like a old Briggs kick start spring. You might want to check it out for a...
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    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker CCD go back and study the pictures and read he exsplained it to me. The kick start is like a jackshaft with a return spring on one end and a drive sprocket on the other. The drive end goes up and turns a freewheel sprocket on the main jackshaft. Its...
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    Abraham Linkage VS Monark Springer Fork

    Check this one out 1" top tube............Curt ... 19ccb95d3d
  20. C

    50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker

    Re: 50's Schwinn Rat-Rod Boardtracker THANKS i will check it out mine is smaller like 1 1/2 hp lawn mower..........Maybe you might have to go to a heaver clutch if you run EFI........Curt