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  1. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Flea market find...
  2. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    HA! Those are old pics! Well, the Ross is the one I want to mount and it's longer than the roof rack.
  3. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    HA HA! Thank you largek9! That pic was before I took a grinder to the car for my "un-paint" job. I'm putting a big motor in my bug in the next week or so, but I'm going to need to find a way to mount a bike to my roof rack. Hmmmm...... :?
  4. OutlawAlice

    Monark El Camino or Murray Meteor Flyer???

    Very cool! I'm stoked! I've got some oven cleaner that'll take the repaint off slowly. We'll see if there's anything underneath. :D
  5. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Those pics don't even scratch the surface!!! Lucky Bike is a bike rescue shop. Everything is for sale. Entire bikes and parts. Some are even used for parting out. He keeps old school parts in stock and also repairs, builds and customizes anything. You name it, he does it. I've only picked out a...
  6. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    HA HA! The only thing that keeps me from having more veedubs is cash and real estate!
  7. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    It is! And it is battery powered but the light bulb has fused into the plate that looks like a washer. It doesn't work on my muscle bikes but yesterday, it occured to me that it would be cool to use it like a fender guide on a car mounted on the back of hubby's red cruiser, but the bolt end that...
  8. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    :D Thank you! I am a die hard dubber. I built my bug from a bare bones shell and a mistmatched pile of parts. I have an entire build thread on the Samba. Heck, I even have my original VW key pattern tattooed on me. If anybody is interested, here's the link to my build thread which I keep...
  9. OutlawAlice

    show us your BEER BIKE

    Does this count? Hubby's Murray Meteor Miller Lite. :lol:
  10. OutlawAlice

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    It came off a little Schwinn. Here's a pic of it.... :mrgreen:
  11. OutlawAlice

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    I want to play in this game! I LOVE ape hangers! :mrgreen:
  12. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    It was stormy outside. So we opened the garage door and worked with our bikes and then rode them in the rain. Bliss. :lol: And hubby got me an original Schwinn dynamo set! i just need to research how to install it and make sure it works. :D
  13. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    So I found the bike place of dreams....
  14. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Very cool! Deep southern Georgia! Gorgeous!
  15. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Here are some updated pics. I added a crusty headlight to my crusty Ross. I have another shiny, near mint Royce headlight for my Lil Chik, but I've been unable to find a bracket. My Ross (pre-headlight) and my Lil Chik. My Ross after installing the headlight. Close up of said crusty...
  16. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    I'm between Greenville and Spartanburg. Where is Ocilla??
  17. OutlawAlice

    New Southern Chick

    Turtle! You nut! :mrgreen:
  18. OutlawAlice

    Bikes n' Cars, "Oh my!"

    Well, I'm gonna add some patina and rust! Here's a couple of my bikes with my Volkswagens. :mrgreen:
  19. OutlawAlice

    Monark El Camino or Murray Meteor Flyer???

    Great! Thank you! :D So many are similar to this design.
  20. OutlawAlice

    Monark El Camino or Murray Meteor Flyer???

    I've been unable to correctly ID this cruiser. I can't find a good reference for the serial number. Any ideas?