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  1. Turtlesixfour

    63 Schwinn Geargoyles CC cruiser

    Progress being made. Made me a neat little hub shiner from a $2 leather belt from Goodwill and a reflector from the flea market. Got 4 reflectors for $2. Enough material for 4 hub shiners. That's $0.75 a shiner! I should have named this the "Broke Bike"!
  2. Turtlesixfour

    Frame plate?

    I used 26 gauge sheet metal and it is plenty rigid enough. Finally got it done and painted! Before: After:
  3. Turtlesixfour

    Frame plate?

    I used a cut off wheel but you could probably use tin shears.
  4. Turtlesixfour

    Simple chop to a cantilever frame

    Definitely going to try this on my Huffy Santa Fe! Outsider did you leave the welds on the down tube untouched?
  5. Turtlesixfour

    New Southern Chick

    SWEET! Would do much to it but maybe tires and tubes(and grease). Were did you score this at?
  6. Turtlesixfour

    not happy

    Are the valve stems Presta valves or Shrader? Prestas are a little different than a normal Shrader valve like on a car tire.
  7. Turtlesixfour

    New Southern Chick

    El Camino?
  8. Turtlesixfour

    Before & After Pics

    Before: After: Thanks for all the help fellow ratters!
  9. Turtlesixfour

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    My contribution to hanging with the apes!
  10. Turtlesixfour

    63 Schwinn Geargoyles CC cruiser

    Almost there!
  11. Turtlesixfour

    63 Schwinn Geargoyles CC cruiser

    Combined two chains and took it out for a short ride today. Gotta say that it rode well but the old seat is not for long rides. Looks good though! Working on the frame plate now. Added some old pedals off of a girls Free Spirit to keep it old school.
  12. Turtlesixfour

    where do I start

    Friend of mine has a heavy duty Worksman trike he is working on. Those things are built to take punishment! We got some new Husky trikes at work with Nexus 3 speeds. Fun to ride!
  13. Turtlesixfour

    where do I start

    Have you tried amazon or What brand of bikes are they?
  14. Turtlesixfour


    That would be a no go soldier! Would not give up the rights so that they could use the image with different wording for their personal gains in the future. Just my opinion.
  15. Turtlesixfour

    1950 Schwinn, odd color "distressed"

    How did you shine the badge. Did you use a Dremel tool?
  16. Turtlesixfour

    Bike rack for a 1964 Impala?

    I agree with the roof rack but, once the roof is kandy root beer with gold flake the roof rack would have to come off. Would be awesome until then!
  17. Turtlesixfour

    Bike rack for a 1964 Impala?

    Top o' the mornin' fellow ratters! This is the trunk in question.
  18. Turtlesixfour

    Bike rack for a 1964 Impala?

    So true. There is a "sump" in the bottom of the trunk also. Probably fit the front tire and apes after I take them off. Guess I could post pics in the morning.
  19. Turtlesixfour

    Bike rack for a 1964 Impala?

    I believe that this is the way to go! Gonna give it a try. @wheelbender that would be too easy! Haha!
  20. Turtlesixfour

    Bike rack for a 1964 Impala?

    That's a good idea! Figured the straps might be too short for a big car. Now to figure out something for the bottom strap or straps. The center of the bumper has a license plate panel that is much thinner than the bumper.