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  1. Turtlesixfour

    Frame plate?

    Same here with the cut off wheel. I thought that snips wouldn't work but am trying to "fix" my plate with them now. Seems that there is more control with the snips.
  2. Turtlesixfour


    This may have been asked before but how does one vote on a bike and how many votes does one get to cast? There are alot of great builds. This is the first year that I have been able to follow all of the builds. Thanks guys!
  3. Turtlesixfour

    New Southern Chick

    All it needs now is a cold one in the can holder!
  4. Turtlesixfour

    Hello from South Carolina

    Small world. I live in Fountain Inn myself.
  5. Turtlesixfour

    "The Money Shot" *added a 3 speed*

    Re: "The Money Shot" *Now With White Bricks* APES!!! Now it is really a stretch!
  6. Turtlesixfour

    ***BRIGHTLINER*** Update 10,0 - Virginia Beach Appearance!!!

    Re: ***Not-So BRIGHTLINER*** Update 8.0 - Earned Its Stripes! Your pinstripes are awesome Brett!
  7. Turtlesixfour

    Loose Schwinn kickstand help

    If I where to look for another one what would it be called?
  8. Turtlesixfour

    Loose Schwinn kickstand help

    Gary, are you talking about the piece that the kickstand assembly fits into? Isn't it welded to the frame? I don't have any experience in the welding deptartment so I may give the nail idea a try.
  9. Turtlesixfour

    63 Schwinn help

    I don't remember seeing a decal on it before I took the paint off. Also they had a 20 tooth cog on the brake that they had made into a 10 tooth skiptooth. I've had the bike for over 15 years myself.
  10. Turtlesixfour

    63 Schwinn help

    This is the crank. Didn't know that it was called a dogleg but I knew it looked different than ones I have seen before.
  11. Turtlesixfour


    Welcome to the forum.
  12. Turtlesixfour

    Young Blood from the Philadelphia area!

    Welcome from SC. There is a lot of knowledge on this forum. It has helped me out many times.
  13. Turtlesixfour

    Hello from South Carolina

    Welcome from the Upstate!
  14. Turtlesixfour

    Mooneyes.. and Mags

    What the what? Not this poor boy neither! May have to redneck engineer some. If anyone around me winds up missing some trash can lids I didn't take them. Honest! :)
  15. Turtlesixfour

    CCM bikes?

    Is this the same CCM that use to make hockey equipment? If so, I gotta find one!
  16. Turtlesixfour

    Mooneyes.. and Mags

    Now that I look at that bike again the whole thing is cool! Dig the chainring also.Anyone sell a blank solid chainring?
  17. Turtlesixfour

    Mooneyes.. and Mags

    Man I gotta have some of those polo/salt flat discs for my 26"! Those scream hot rod! And Mooneyes to boot!
  18. Turtlesixfour

    Bearing cup removal?

    True and if it is nearly as hard to put back together I don't want to cut corners. Thanks for everyone's advice. It truely helps to have this forum with so many knowledgeable people!
  19. Turtlesixfour

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    And the chain guard rocks!
  20. Turtlesixfour

    Loose Schwinn kickstand help

    B607, are you talking about this pin? I have tried to turn it to no avail. Does look badly worn as does the notch left in the kickstand from someone riding it forever with it loose. Do you drive it out with a punch? May just order the Nirve one if it fits.