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  1. K

    Rat Salad - 7/26 - Done! Complete! Finished!

    Re: Rat Salad - 5/8 paint testing Forgot to add that you may want to try something like the gold Metalcast under the green for the more yellow color your looking for.
  2. K

    Rat Salad - 7/26 - Done! Complete! Finished!

    Re: Rat Salad - 5/8 paint testing Here's an easier way to get the color your looking for. Use Duplicolr Metalcast, or Krylon Metals (both anodizing paints) over clean bare metal, or some silver base (Rustoleum works). Finish with Duplicolor Clear Effex glitter clear. I'll attach some pics of...
  3. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    LOL! It is silly isn't it! I get the impression that if done right this might save a whole lot of time taping, or cutting vinyl strips for graphix. Here's a before, and after of my husbands 22yo Cannondale SH-400. Originally built as a hybrid its now been converted into a road bike. Its...
  4. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Have a look at these: ... 4&bih=1183 Basically, you dip a brush, or tool into paint and swizzle it any way you want. But in the case of a bike it'll be a matter of getting a very fine drip from the right brush, or wire, and getting the thickness of the...
  5. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Guess there's were a few ladies bikes there after all. Many were still in the girly bike category, but I can't promise this build won't have its essences of the same. There is, of course, a basket waiting to be installed! I wanted a mixte, which may have had a bit more potential, but we had...
  6. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    We're definitely hoping to make this one stand out. I have scoured the net looking for custom women's bikes, and really didn't find much. There were a few shabby art bikes, etc, but not much otherwise. At the very least it would nice to be able to get some votes on the "Babycakes" special...
  7. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Than you to both of you! We're trying to go along with my husband's theme of "Modern Classics". I'm hoping he gets to enter his own bike this year (chrome Flightliner), but I'll attach a pic of last years bike you might remember. He has about 7 Spaceliner frames waiting for that special...
  8. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Re: (((***** BABYCAKES *****))) Mock-Up Here's some mock-up pics: And here's a fit of the hub after the frame spread:
  9. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Well, not all of us can afford such high tech equipment as you have, so we have to make do! LOL We looked at the Sheldon Brown 2x4 method too, but when we say the spring compressor in use, and happened to have one on hand it seemed the easiest way to go! The spread to both sides was perfect...
  10. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    That spring compressor has been laying around for over 25 years waiting for a purpose! LOL My husband used to be a mechanic, and said he used it 1-2 times and its been in the box ever since. Looks like its found a whole new purpose in life! It really did an awesome job.
  11. K

    ••••\Ya·Ku·Za/•••• " lotsO clear update pics "

    Re: • • •••••\Ya·Ku·Za/••••• • •hand scraped finish!• What did you scrape the frame with? Do you have any pics of the finished product? Very interesting effect.
  12. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    Thanx everyone. I'm looking forward to having a bike I built the way I want it. We have a thing for vintage bikes here! Here's a few pics spreading the frame. the method was borrowed from someone else in the built, and it made the process very easy. The spring compressors gave a very even...
  13. K

    (((***** BABYCAKES *****)))

    This is my early 70's Panasonic Sport that's been sitting around here for a couple of years since it was given to us after sitting in someones cellar for over 20 years! It was pretty well preserved, but definitely in need on some TLC. My husband decided to completely dismantle it (as he does...