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  1. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il oh man u have 2 learn how 2 do it ...its rather simple really ur bikes would b a big hit on here...figure it out man!!!! FO SHO :D
  2. M

    Drag Queen

    hey member jaxon makes and sells repops of the top fuler forks .... good lookin bike !!!
  3. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il pics or it didnt happen ...LOL :mrgreen:
  4. M

    Tall bike?

    yeah i agree ....dont do it !!! us some wall mart crap ... :wink:
  5. M

    The Bay of Pig.. Bikes!

    hey ron the heck r ya man i seen ur big into the bmx stuff ...still doin muscle 2 !!! thats awsome !! thats one BAD lookin unit u built there !!!!! ' as usual tho !!!!
  6. M

    Fun With Springs

    nice springer ... i like the house slippers too ... :D
  7. M

    Got these yesterday

    whatever he means ...LOL u did fine on those for 40 bucks ...that mongoose in all workin order is worth atleast 40 bucks !!! get everything workin on the others n u should make a little profit if u dont have 2 put money into the other 2 u could just find a couple needy kids and let them have...
  8. M

    How old is this antique street light base / pole?

    be a cool bike shop sign pole
  9. M

    1960 Schwinn Tornado's Fresh Start

    slick lookin remake !!
  10. M

    Issue 10 Kickstand Mag

    mine finally showed up !!
  11. M

    Issue 10 Kickstand Mag

    got my # 10 issue today ...i dont freakin belive it !!!
  12. M

    72 Typhoon Rat

    looks cool !!!! maybe if u figure out how 2 get that box behind the seat longways ,,,,either way its cool !!!
  13. M

    Walmart FatBikes?

    oh man id like 2 have a couple sets of the tires n rims ....
  14. M

    Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle show> NEW PICS<

    Re: Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle Show May 11th sounds good!!!! i may come up u support it ..but im almost outa bikes ...i could prolly throw a rat together tho !! yeah would b awsome 2 get 20 city fellas down for the pontiac show !!!
  15. M

    Issue 10 Kickstand Mag

    i havent been so lucky 2 get my #10 issue yet !!!! mayb in a few days !!! if im still on the list anyway does anyone know when issue 9 even came out just says issue 9 date over a year yeah ???
  16. M

    Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle show> NEW PICS<

    Re: Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle Show May 11th that is great news !!!
  17. M

    Detroit Autorama pics.

    im pretty sure that wine bottle bike was built by a member here !!! very cool pics thnx for sharin !!!
  18. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il man it sure would be nice 2 see a big ol group of city guys that come down for this show !!! ill prolly b sellin the last of my stuff at this show it will b cheaper than last year !!!! come on RRB'S lets help out a great cause !!!
  19. M

    where to buy...

    check the for sale section !!! always good stuff there !!!
  20. M

    Black Crown Tattoo WHER R U ANSWR yur PMs!

    thats great news !!! keep up the good work BCT ....makin lemonade :mrgreen: