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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. M

    anyone need these ..???

    i have 20 of these so far ..may have a crap ton more !!! just seeing if anyone may have a use for em 1 1/4 round by 2 tall ...all new !!!! if anyone wants or needs em LMK ....MIKE
  2. M

    800 Huffys

    thats awsome !!! but 800 bikes does one get 800 brand new bikes ??? r they all the same ??? where do they go ur state,world wide ???? just askin !!! :mrgreen:
  3. M


    i think ur in the wrong thread homie ....LOL
  4. M

    The problem with being an old bike mechanic

    hey man i use 2 square peices of steel and a threaded rod with 2 bolts 2 push in my cups great !!!! i picked up a cheap park bike stand on ebay...107 bucks shipped if i remember rite !!!! i dont have really any special tools to speak of ...i did get a skinny pedal wrench ...use what...
  5. M

    Really Should Not have Tried To Steal This Bike

    i agree a whoopin was deserved ..but from 5 ppl ... mayb the guy that owned it shoulda whipped his tukiss himself is all im sayin !!! LOL
  6. M

    Bent wheels

    someone had a crap ton of spokes in the pay it forward section ...check there !!!
  7. M

    Really Should Not have Tried To Steal This Bike

    wow them r sum tuff guys ..all 5 of em on one litte dude !!!! all that for a huffy !! LOL :D
  8. M

    pile of bicycles from rural illinois

    where u located like that thunderbolt frame if u wanna do some swappin near bloomington/normal !!! LMK MIKE
  9. M

    go to chat room

    like it says ...lets all go chat ...rite now ....LOL :D or someone anyway .... :mrgreen:
  10. M

    3-IN-1 Models

    ya know i have tons of model stuff gonna scrap some stuff together n make up a rat rod ... yep :mrgreen:
  11. M


    wow i never seen that update B4 that is so awsome !!! im glad its being used !!!! what a nice lookin bike !!! :mrgreen: yeah that rack is cool !!! :P
  12. M

    Never say "When Bicycle Fly"

    he is on a wire i bet ....wings r a fall safe ...LOL :D
  13. M

    How to remove bearing cup cap??

    YEP ..WHAT THEY SAID .... :D
  14. M

    Auction Bike - Builder Found!

    Re: Auction Bike - Still Lookin for a Builder! where is the guy that drew up the last 2 bikes ???? why stray away from what we have been doin ??? i guess it dosent really matter,im just askin is all !! either way i wanna put my custom touch on this one also just like the first two auction...
  15. M

    Murray Fire Cat

    kingfish custom creation .....i cant wait 2 see !!!! :mrgreen:
  16. M

    Double Schwinn Score!

    sweet score man !!!!! additions 2 ur already impresive line up !!!! :D
  17. M

    Why did you pick your AVATAR

    i played poker with a guy years ago who had a glass eye ,,,,he would go take a leak and pop his eye out n leave it on his cards n say he did it 2 keep an eye on us ,....LOL funny stuff .. we were playin in between the sheets on nite and he bet it and lost ...500 bucks was what he bet ...the...
  18. M

    Glitter Schwinn

    wow that would look awsome with some see thru paint ....very cool !!! where u get that at ? '
  19. M


    bery cool video !!! looks like a super awsome show !!! little far for me 2 drive ...mayb when i hit the lottery :mrgreen:
  20. M

    Kickstand Magazine Update

    if u know where he is every wed nite ...hows about u confront him ...mayb he can give u copys for everyone and u can mail em out !!!! least we would get what we paid for !!! LOL the guy sounds like a D bag ...mayb he needs a little wack in the head with a tack hammer ... :D