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  1. brandonehansen

    Rat Rod Lincoln - photo update 11/28 done i think

    Looking awesome! I cant wait to see what the wood will look like in there. Should be an eye catcher. I am going to be painting some wheels that are in bare metal do you feel the rust tough primer does??
  2. brandonehansen

    Past down from Family - 1937 Fleetwing & 1944 Goodrich

    Awesome Bikes!! Thats so great that they came from your family and will stay in your family. Kept up those things will last 70 more years. Have fun with them, do you plan on doing anytthing to them?
  3. brandonehansen

    Project: Airplane Bike

    You didn't happen to buy this from someone in Illinois? I ask only because I saw a guy buying a bike that looked exactly like this at a swap meet I was at. It's really cool looking.
  4. brandonehansen

    '08 felt site is up

    Wow, those I actually like! Some of the new modern cruisers just dont look right but these have an interesting frame design and actually works on some of them. Cool looking bikes.
  5. brandonehansen


    Does any manufacturer of spray paint make a light green say like mint green or a light greyish green?? Krylon I see sells a color called Celery, but I cant see them in person since they dont sell them in my city. Any help would be great. Thanks :mrgreen:
  6. brandonehansen

    2 ?s about Western Flyers

    Your are most certainly welcome. I found it on a blog somewhere and saw all these people making comments on how well it worked, so I tried it myself and was the same way..."Holy Cow!!!" So I figured I would pass it along. Good luck with all of your other parts, a heavy duty foil would be a...
  7. brandonehansen

    2 ?s about Western Flyers

    You'd be surprised how much it takes off...just always keep the foil wet (and dont use the cheapie thin stuff) and keep changing sides so you dont rub it flat. I had a set of bars that were caked with rust and it all came off. There may be a few residual stains or slight pitting, but with some...
  8. brandonehansen

    2 ?s about Western Flyers

    Sandalscout, Is that piece from your bike or from just a picture you found? If you want to replace it because its rusty, I would try unsing a piece of aluminum foil balled up and get it wet it water. It will rub the rust right off and not damage the chrome (unless its already chipping by...
  9. brandonehansen


    Probably so, but I almost guarantee they dont sell alot of spray paints if any. Most normal stores do, but Chi-town does not permit aerosol paint sales in efforts to minimize grafitti. :/ I need to buy them online. I found that sells what I am looking for I just want to see if...
  10. brandonehansen


    I'll be painting 4 wheels. Most likely will need a few coats of primer I'm assuming right? How many cans would you suggest? 1 per set or more? Any help would be awesome. Thanks guys. Btw, I cant wait to have these wheels DONE! They will look nice, just have been a pain in the rear :)
  11. brandonehansen


    Hah! That's nearly right down the street from me! :D Good call, I will check there.
  12. brandonehansen


    ALSO: Because I live in Chicago proper...they dont allow spray paint sales at stores due to grafitti enforcement, so I really dont have a good source to buy rattle can goods. There is an ACE hardware near me that sells some due to the numerous amount of contractors needing contractor type...
  13. brandonehansen


    Yeah, I think I like it. There is a dude at my school who has a black frame and some gold parts. It's anodized and looks nice except the Phil Wood hubs he has are a bit different gold than his Nitto bars and stem. It's a cool look, I dont think I would rock it. If it were antique brass...
  14. brandonehansen


    Steve, Great idea!! I grew up reading magazines on old school hot rods, VW's, pick ups...everything custom, I was all over it. I think there are plenty of readers that would be just as interested in something like this as a magazine on cars. PLUS, another benefit about it being about...
  15. brandonehansen


    Figure I'd add a question to this one since it's paint related. I am considering painting my wheels (just the rims) either copper or brass and see that Krylon makes a few different types of metallic paint. Has anyone used these or tried these before? Anything to say about the...
  16. brandonehansen

    Modern take on the rat rod

    Yes, right by Navy Pier! The fork is actually the same fork that came on it, I just stripped the paint and it was fully chrome underneath, thanks schwinn! :) The top tube for me serves a few purposes, but mainly it protects the top tube against the hard and ugly bike racks that notoriously...
  17. brandonehansen

    Removing old license decals

    Awesome, that's a great tip!
  18. brandonehansen

    Removing old license decals

    My bike has an old police license sticker when the owner registered the bike with the local pd. It's yellow, reflective, old and doesn't really want to come off. Any suggestions?
  19. brandonehansen

    Protowrxs Intro

    Possibly recumbent inspired?
  20. brandonehansen


    Welcome kind sir! Cant wait to see pics of what you do with the flyer.