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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. N

    my first schwinn... 50's i think

    is the serial # on the rear dropout? If so, 1959
  2. N

    Rat mower

    ...wide tires in the rear (double them up?)
  3. N

    Age demographic

    thank you!
  4. N

    Age demographic

    it's my birthday weekend (we get those, right???)! i'll be... 36 ...damn i'm gettin old!
  5. N

    rat rod chucks

    i wear black chucks...and only black (except my brown ones...they go with my suit!). i wear them until they fall apart...if the bottom is still attached, the shoes are good!
  6. N

    Bike security

    my GF HAD a Kryptonite chain-lock...we were in a coffe shop for 10 min and someone cut through the chain...
  7. N

    Bike security

    about the Kryptonite locks...don't use the round key style (Bic pens open them)
  8. N

    Bike security

    i use the one pictured here (blue chain...different lock...i'll post a pic of it later)...overkill? maybe, but it works GREAT! My GF uses a Kryptonite New York Lock STD... true.. don't know if the stats are correct, but also true. if your bike is locked in an area where people can see it...
  9. N

    new-B from texas

    is the springer too long...too short...too small (diameter)? and welcome!
  10. N

    Columbia Project

    do the rims red to match the fenders!
  11. N

    Would this bike be a "balloon" tire bike?

    yea...check the tire size looks like it SHOULD be a heavyweight. how wide are the fenders?
  12. N

    Xtracycle on the Kona

    bolt-on kickstand mounting plate should work...i had to modify how i mounted mine...the Surly's chainstay bridge is too close to the bottom bracket. I would have been ok if I ran a derailer, but doin' the singlespeed thing I needed to adjust the time I never thought about a kickstand...
  13. N

    JB Weld and other such shortcuts

    I got my welder at a flea market for $75...the guy selling it was an idiot...instead of buying new tips for larger wire, he drilled his tip (and drilled too much!) came w/ a gas attachment...with the new tips i spent $80 (welder + tips) look are out there
  14. N

    comfortable seats

    :( doesn't sound like a good thing and I never said ANYTHING about narrow seats being brooks isn't narrow...i said a seat that is too wide can give problems
  15. N ACME a Kanasas City LBS

    ditto on the pics
  16. N

    My new Hiawatha... now what? *NEW DESIGN PIC PAGE 2*

    Re: My new Hiawatha... now what? remember...the bike is only origional once... most of my vintage bike rat-projects are too far gone (most origional parts gone, that is!) to try and restore. a rebuild is cheaper than a restore...tear it down, clean everything, repack bearings, assemble &...
  17. N

    trying to identify my most recent rescue....

    pics please... even if we can't ID it from the pics at least we get some eye-candy!
  18. N

    comfortable seats

    the problem with "large" saddles is with the person's might rub and cause chafing...or worse, restrict blood flow to the feet...the most comfortable saddles i own are leather (ie, no padding in the way most people think about padding)...getting a 'seat' that is too wide for the...
  19. N

    How to remove stickers

    +1 on the heatgun
  20. N

    Crazy spokes,,,
