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  1. M

    grip resto question

    ok grip gurus does a guy go about gettin the worn ends 2 look good again !!! i used citris cleaner an a stiff brissel nylon brush .. cleaned up the main part but didnt do anything for the worn out ends !! hope someone has some info to help me out here !!! thnx in advance !!! MIKE
  2. M

    19(4,5,6)0's Huffy, First Build

    Re: Newb Build, Old (not so crappy) Huffy id say its for sure not junk ....did they have axle adjuster screws up into thr 50s? im sure u will make it look good again whatever u decide 2 do to it !!
  3. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il man o man ....u guys missed out on a great time !! AWSOME show bikes great swap deal to b had ...and a decent turn out !!! here r a few pics ...hope scott dosent mind me postin em !!! original paint 41' and a original paint 48' ... these all...
  4. M

    Cool gift

    good friend ....if it will clean up good its a great score !!!
  5. M

    Haro for parts

    i like the seat post clamp ...or tape ...LOL redneckish :D seems like i did that back when i rode bikes .... :mrgreen:
  6. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il nice pics skip ...too bad ya cant make it back this year man!!! ur blue x bike was a hit last year !!!! crunch time ...mmmm captin crunch sounds good ...LOL sunday funday guys ....lets do this :mrgreen: i know im a dork but im runnin on...
  7. M

    Scrapyard Run 3 (three wheeled edition)

    if ur lookin 2 part that 2nd trike i could use that rearens and axle ....just sayin !!! MIKE cool cars too....
  8. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il i have a few complete bikes im sellin ...and some parts ...i just got called into work for overtime so thats cuttin into my time for gettin stuff gathered up ...but ill still have time 2 get some stuff together !!! see ya there man ...i need 2...
  9. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il i guess its just me n u scott ...LOL i hope that cool weather u ordered will show up !!!!! im not bringing a whole truck load this year ..just a few odds n ends :mrgreen:
  10. M

    stuff for sale?

    anyone want any of this stuff ....make offers rice for all of the cars ...offers on the hood ? i havent got around 2 diggin out the other stuff yet a busy guy :wink:
  11. M

    grip display*update*

    so i been collecting grips for a couple years now ...been tryin 2 figure a way 2 dispay em ...well i found this old wine rack and me and my dad been brain stormin on how 2 do it ...we came up sith this display ...should b done in a few days !!! ill paint all the shelves black ...and im prolly...
  12. M

    5th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il july 28th 2013

    Re: 4th annual bicycle show&swapmeet.pontiac,il its comming up fast fellas .....who is all gonna make this event... feel free to start a list :mrgreen:
  13. M

    Shipping tires

    yeah i have done it that way before ...i wrapped it up in heavy duty packing paper first (kinda like a paper sack u use to get at the store) ..and then wrappped it up in dollor store plastic wrap good and its cheap !!!! gotta love cheap !!! :mrgreen:
  14. M


    yeah u owning ur own truck ...stretch has a great idea !!! get out there n roll in the cash !!!! good luck 2 ya man i sure wish i could afford 2 pick up n move !!! couldnt leave ma n pa tho !!!
  15. M

    stuff for sale?

    stretch thnx for clearing that up for us !!! chips ill have 2 do a little diggin and get some stuff posted all i have for now is the hotwheels n nascar stuff here we go not sure on prices i looked up most of the hotwheels on the bay and prices ranged from 2.00 to 15.00 bucks ...i...
  16. M

    Writing 100 songs in 100 days and recording

    very good stuff ....when is your cd coming out ? keep it up !
  17. M

    stuff for sale?

    ok so other talk ... not other for sale section !!!! thnx
  18. M

    stuff for sale?

    u think i should wait on an admin 2 chime in on this ....or just post it up n hope ? id hate 2 post it all then have it get deleted .. or get into trouble ... :D
  19. M

    stuff for sale?

    what if i have other stuff for sale ..not related to bikes that id like to offer to my rat rod folks .... what im asking is if i can do that in here or not ? i have a crap ton of old model stuff from days gone by some complete kits and TONS of parts im gonna try n get rid of i also have alot...
  20. M

    fresh goodness.....

    i actually have a set of the zephers ...not sure if there both cracked up of just the one i looked at ...ill b checkin everything out 2 morrow hopefully ...i may b interested in the uniroyal ....i thought i got 2 but not sure !!!! thnx man !!! i thought it was a pretty good score ..thnx guys...