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  1. Turtlesixfour

    Detail painting tutorial?

    I would like to know also!
  2. Turtlesixfour

    Momma's Boy is what it is

    Are those grips the Bell Torpedo style? I noticed that they only carry those at the "nicer" Walmarts around my neck of the woods. Had to get a pair for one of my cruisers. Very comfortable grips for $8!
  3. Turtlesixfour

    FACEBOOK WOW - 137K!!!

    Re: FACEBOOK WOW Going to go to Facebook and like it now! Didn't know you had a Facebook page.
  4. Turtlesixfour

    prayer request (sad update)

    Re: prayer request Praying for her and her family also. I have a 8 year old girl myself and she is the world to me!
  5. Turtlesixfour

    Help Me Choose

    Awesome! Wouldn't mind one myself. Hope you enjoy it!
  6. Turtlesixfour

    Bearing cup removal?

    Nice idea! I have a broke one in my tool box. Broke off the male end. Ouch!
  7. Turtlesixfour

    OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

    A couple off of the Jalopy Journal and
  8. Turtlesixfour

    OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

    Green would rock! Your buddy Ger did our Steel In Motion shirts for our car show. You guys have awesome talent over there!
  9. Turtlesixfour

    OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

    Man that is sweet.
  10. Turtlesixfour

    Before & After Pics

    Dig how you mounted the seat!
  11. Turtlesixfour

    MY KID

    Re: That is a great idea!
  12. Turtlesixfour

    Help Me Choose

    Rat Fink!
  13. Turtlesixfour

    MY KID

    Did you follow her with the camera? What I mean is moving the camera while staying focused on her. That way you get that blur in the background while she stays in focus.
  14. Turtlesixfour

    Show us them cars!

    Would like to see that Econoline doing some wheelstands! Gasser style!
  15. Turtlesixfour

    Before & After Pics

    Really like the finish! Did you sand and clear coat the original paint?
  16. Turtlesixfour

    I'm sure it's been done but...

    Thanks jackdaw! Want to keep it a budget build but am waiting to find a 24" rear wheel now. The 20" is just too small.
  17. Turtlesixfour

    My first "BUILD" - **Purple Nurple**

    Your right. I didn't look at the photo. I have not taken one of those apart. How's it done? I would have to see it up close to figure it out for myself.
  18. Turtlesixfour

    Before & After Pics

    Awesome thread!
  19. Turtlesixfour

    My first "BUILD" - **Purple Nurple**

    Take the chainguard off. Then the pedals and then the nut. Then use a screwdriver to tap the lock nut out. You have to turn them clockwise! It seems backwards put I think it is that way to prevent them from getting loose when you pedal. Then take the bearings out and slide out the crank...
  20. Turtlesixfour

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    Love those swept back apes and grips! Am looking for some of the repop Schwinn Phantom grips but everyone wants an arm and a leg in shipping cost!