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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. Dbubbleguy

    Resin Replica Solar Carbide Headlamp

    Found a really interesting item on Ebay... a resin replica of a Solar Carbide Headlamp. It is so accurate that it even has the engraved Patent info on the bottom of the base. It also has an LED inside to light up the head light (just need to supply a 6-volt power supply). Of course I had to buy...
  2. Dbubbleguy

    "Bike Jammer"- Bike Stereo & Halogen Headlight

    I have made a number of postings about bicycle radios before. I just acquired probably the best and most functional bike radio ever made. The "Bike Jammer" was made from 1993 until 2003, when the company went out of business. It is housed in a fairing similar to a motorcycle fairing with a...
  3. Dbubbleguy

    Transistor Radio Holder

    I have made a number of postings here on the Forum about "bicycle radios", which could be mounted on a bike, usually on the handlebars. There actually was one more option to be had... a transistor radio holder that would mount on the handlebars. I recently picked up one on Ebay. The only problem...
  4. Dbubbleguy

    Square Wheel Bicycle

    REAL SQUARE WHEELS! Video starts with promos. Actual construction starts at 1:50 minutes into the video. Riding starts at 6:31 minutes into the video. Click Here- Square Wheels
  5. Dbubbleguy

    1940 Motorola B-150 Bicycle Radio

    There are 3 bicycle radios using tubes (not transistors) that are really rare- The Tom Thumb Bicycle Radio, the Darb Holiday Bicycle radio, and the 1940 Motorola B-150 Bicycle Radio. Of these, I have the Tom Thumb and the Darb. The Holy Grail of these radios is the Motorola. Usually when these...
  6. Dbubbleguy

    Antique Bikes for Sale in UK

    Click Here >>>>Bikes for Sale
  7. Dbubbleguy

    OK Guys! How does this bike seat grab you???????

    A handy seat <<< click here
  8. Dbubbleguy

    Peewee Herman replica on Ebay

    I'm confused by some of the parts... 3-speed shifter but no bell crank on the right side rear wheel (appears to be a single speed coaster brake hub. Brake lever but no caliper brake on front wheel. Only asking 7.5Gs. Ebay Peewee Bike
  9. Dbubbleguy

    Blank Greeting Card

    Came across a blank greeting card that I've had for at least 20 years...
  10. Dbubbleguy

    Do You Ever Bicycle In Parades?

    The Annual Middletown (DE) Hummer's New Year Parade is a home grown walk around town that spoofs events and people who were in the headlines of the previous year. People just show up and strut their stuff. Generally it would start at 1 PM and be finished by 2 PM. I have participated in the...
  11. Dbubbleguy

    Halloween Bikes?

    Found on Face Book. Located in St. Georges, Delaware. Bridges over the C&D Canal in the background.
  12. Dbubbleguy


  13. Dbubbleguy

    Photo Found On Face Book

    Cool Beans!
  14. Dbubbleguy

    Do You Have A Webpage Or Online Photo Album?

    I have a Flickr account with a number of different albums for my hobbies. One album is for bicycles, either ones I have owned or photos from a small Bicycle Museum. Check out my bikes and post a link to your collection... My Flickr Bike Album
  15. Dbubbleguy

    We Build On The Past

    When I was in High School, on Saturdays I would go to the Library and look at turn of the Century (1900-1910) U.S. Patent Office Gazettes. Each month would consist of 4 or 5 large books about 5 inches thick. What surprised me was the amount of bicycle patents, from complete bikes to every part...
  16. Dbubbleguy

    1950s/60s European Bikes

    Back in 1973 my brother and I worked on Nantucket Island as mechanics at a bike rental place. Occasionally we would see some unusual bikes, other than the 3-speed rental bikes that were everywhere. Here's 2 European bikes from the 1950's/60s. Check out the brazed on derailleurs.
  17. Dbubbleguy

    Official Schwinn Dealer / Shop Parts & Accessories Catalog 1973 -2000

    See the following listing on Ebay- The Schwinn Literature Mother Load, Official Schwinn Dealer / Shop Parts & Accessories Catalog 1973 -2000 This is The Holy Grail of Schwinn Literature, Complete Vintage Genuine Original Schwinn Shop / Dealer Parts and Accessories Catalogs from 1973 to 2000...
  18. Dbubbleguy

    Strange Rear Wheel

    I was poking around Ebay and came across this really strange looking rear wheel. Any ideas as to what it is, what it was used for? Strange Wheel
  19. Dbubbleguy

    Late Entry For Build-Off 14?

    Some friends sent me a photo of an art installation from the American Art Museum at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. Since art can be interpretive, my take on this- I think this is a metaphor for the United States... one country governed by 2 political parties, each pulling in the opposite...
  20. Dbubbleguy

    Funky Folder

    Found a really funky folder on Ebay. Thought it would make the perfect Boardwalk bike, as the wheel base is only 33-1/2"s axle to axle. It is well designed and well made. Stood up to FedEx's best efforts to destroy the shipping box. The company name is FUERDI. Sounds Italian but made in China. I...