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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. ruebyretro

    Bicycle Show & Cruise, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Alas I am bike-less. Had to sell my project thing as it just wasn't going to work :( Nice idea though!
  2. ruebyretro

    Which rims to use..? Choice of 3!

    More should have been done to all 3 before painting IMO but at that point the rims were not in my hands - I'm left to deal with what I have :( Can I put a tire on it without the spokes...? I imagine so...
  3. ruebyretro


    My ex started it - I don't drive and live in an apartment SO he took it and got it re-chromed, chrome was peeling off a lot of it, as well as painted. It's satin black with mint-ish rims now. He also redid the hubs. I have to get the wheels together and the basics like a seat and grips. Nothing...
  4. ruebyretro

    Which rims to use..? Choice of 3!

    I have 3 S7 rims to choose from for my bike but all of them have issues and I'm really not sure which two to lace. I had had 1 rim that came with the bike, it was painted. I bought 2 more off ebay, which were chromed. My ex "gifted" the bike painting to me, and JUST got them back to me, as we...
  5. ruebyretro


    Think I'm joining the Boys Club here, but hopefully I'm not completely alone! Just a girl from Canada attempting to get a 1964 Schwinn Hollywood back up and running...this site has had some good inspiration and hopefully can help a bit now that I'm on my own with the project! I really don't...