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  1. Joosh


    Thanks! It's actually made by Centurion in japan. Compared to my varsity, it weighs absolutely nothing!
  2. Joosh


    Mother of god that Ritchey... Well, I just built up my new fixie: a 1993 Diamond back Master TG. Can you say RAD???
  3. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    Nice! looks a lot like a Surly Moonlander with that paint job!
  4. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    maybe shave the seat tube a bit instead of lengthening the chainstays.
  5. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    I'm a bit of a weight weenie myself, so this build is right up my alley.
  6. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    This is getting to be one of my favorite builds! The attention to detail is unreal.
  7. Joosh

    My Next Beast

  8. Joosh

    Another Heavy Duti build... Headbadge mounted

    I would recommend kenda small block 8's They roll smooth on asphalt, and grip well on hardpack, and dusty dirt.
  9. Joosh

    Another Heavy Duti build... Headbadge mounted

    Nice! I love to see these things turn into klunkers!
  10. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    Thats crazy! Seems well worth the effort.
  11. Joosh

    The Leg Sled

    Holy crap. Not my style, but AMAZING fabrication!
  12. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    looks kind of like a Specialized fatboy rim:
  13. Joosh

    My Next Beast

  14. Joosh

    The Black Monark

    You are the winner! Best bikes out there! :praise:
  15. Joosh

    My Next Beast

    Awesome. Can't wait for this!
  16. Joosh

    Schwinn Heavy Duti Klunker. Photos and Video Up!

    The ratio is 25:14, and it works really well!
  17. Joosh

    Best $8 Ever spent. Riding Vid!

    Thanks! Its pretty damn fun.
  18. Joosh

    Schwinn Heavy Duti Klunker. Photos and Video Up!

    Cool! Took some nice photos today: I'll Have a little clip up soon as well.
  19. Joosh

    Best $8 Ever spent. Riding Vid!

    Stage 1/first ride.