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  1. I

    Who's got English ancestry?

    I have an english ancestory, i don't know exactly the whereabouts of where we were located. I just know that in an old map i saw on the internet one time it said that there was a whole town named after my family. Which is kinda cool i guess. But My last name is Huddleston. And i just googled it...
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    Road Test.

    Just wanted to give you guys an update, I passed my roadtest with flying colors. A lot easier than i thought it was going to be. The instructor hardly even did anything. It seemed like he really didn't care. Lol. But yeah i have to wait to monday to get my license. :( but whatever i guess...
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    Road Test.

    Rofl.. Yeah.. I was talking to my dad about my bike, while typing this. But yes i ment 4. ._. 8)
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    Road Test.

    ok guys.. Tomorrow at 10am is my road test. I'm kinda nervous about the whole thing but i know i will do well. I just need some good old good luck wishes, and encouragement. So it will all be appreiciated guys. Oh and btw i get my mom's '97 chevy venture if i pass the test. lol.. its a hunk, but...
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    So, Ricksterr IS NOW EMPLOYED

    Wow Ricky's got a job.. My little boy is all grown up. :p Lol Good luck with the grass cutting Your bro -Tyler
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    Another from Michigan

    Welcome from mad heights mi, its good to see other mitten men on the site.
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    Tell us what ticks you off..

    Sunday drivers. :x they are the worst to get stuck behind, in a 40 doing like 25 on a main road. People who repeat the same thing you say and take all the credit for it. Places where you need a card to buy whatever it is that you need to get, which is like almost everywhere nowadays. Men who...
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    Once again

    Lol thank you.
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    Once again

    thanks deroman, its good to be back.
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    Once again

    Hey everyone, This is Tyler. I had another account on this site but sadly i had lost internet at my house. But recently my father has just repayed the bill so we now have the internet once more. I would be using that other account but i have forgotten the sn along with everything else, But i...