I bought this bike for my wife but between health and other projects time to simplify a little..I bought a GREAT Monark for her from tech549 that didnt need much going through,so Im offering this rare COMPLETE bike up for sale.
I believe its a late 38/39 ,I have better/upgraded...
Hiya fellas!
I'm currently working on a chopped bicycle frame and I'm planning on doing a real fancy paint job. Probably something like marble paint. Those kinds of paint are hella lot of work, but turn out amazing if you take the time to do it right. I already did a bunch of TIG welding on it...
Seeing this pic,
and reference to Krylon Satin Jade Green and Krylon Satin Sea Glass
in this thread: http://ratrodbikes.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-rattier-electra-rat-rod.99651/
Got me thinking, What colors have you used in your builds for the aged "patina" look?
And also is "satin" the...
OK, I have done a LOT of rattle can painting and it turns out pretty good if the proper time is put into prep. But, I would like to take it to another level as an alternative to powder coating. Now I agree that all-in-all it probably works out to about the same cost wise, but I like the hands...