First off we all get a cool bike that we each have built as our own prize if we finish! But to sweeten the pot, anyone that feels like going one step further can award a prize based on whatever criteria that you choose. Just keep in mind that it is possible that your prize may require International shipping. You can post what you plan to give your prize for and post pictures of the prize if you have them. This is all voluntary and works on the honor system.
As an example..........Our friend @kingfish254 started a tradition a few years ago of having the previous year's winner build a first place trophy for the following year's winner. Of course if you want to give a first prize also it's up to you. Last year I gave out the first Klunkie for the most off road worthy with the most total votes. Pick your criteria, pick the place you want to award, post it all here!
Remember this is all just for fun and bikes!
Some previous work
As an example..........Our friend @kingfish254 started a tradition a few years ago of having the previous year's winner build a first place trophy for the following year's winner. Of course if you want to give a first prize also it's up to you. Last year I gave out the first Klunkie for the most off road worthy with the most total votes. Pick your criteria, pick the place you want to award, post it all here!
Remember this is all just for fun and bikes!
Some previous work