He who dies with the most toys ,still dies No Fear
I was just checking out ''RATROD's" post in the gallery on his ''55 SPITFIRE " ,AND I recalled getting schooled this weekend ,i picked up a what i believed to be a 48'' schwinn staightbar frame last year at the turlock swap in NorCal ,and i built the frame into a nice rider in hopes to make a buck on it,.so this guy comes up says hey a ''schwinn big bar" 1946 ,, i believe he said it was the only year schwinn produced this frame, Here are the tell tale sign's ; the top bar and the bottom "sraightbar'' are the same diameter aslo the kick stand is tapered (gets to a smaller diameter as it gets to the bottom) and also the back dropouts are a thinner metal then most others. thought i'de share !
any one else heard of this , or any other info. about this ?