1952 spitfire

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He who dies with the most toys ,still dies No Fear
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Corning, Nor-Cal
Rating - 100%
182   0   0
recently ive been goin down a paticular street in my area and kept seeing these handel bars sticking up out of a junk pile behind a house , so today i went by with my wife who has the gift of gab,i call it and she went up too the door and asked about the bike and the old guy who answerd the door said go ahead and help yourself to it .so we
did .
it seems some one used this thing alot..

luckily when i pulled it out of the junk the milk crate attached to the funky carrier on the back fell apart.
wow, that is a cool ratty old spitfire! isn't that music to our ears... help yourself. someone probably rode that bike alot, but looks like it still has plenty of life in it. and i even like the color, but...

...as for it being a 52, i think schwinns in that year (at least the spitfire) had the camelback frame, and not a cantilever. whats the ser#? looks more like a later 50's or early 60's spitfire.
thankx for the great feedback guys as for the year i got that from a booklet copyright by the antique bycicle news if i"m reading it correctly it lists the bike as being built 12-5-1952 and it sure has gotten a lot of use , looks like at some point sombody changed the wheels and tires are chen chinge that homemade rack on thier wieghs a ton or two also dont know what ill do with it latter but for know its gonna cruise just the way it is !!

A.S.BOLTNUT. P.S. SERAL # go21678
There's often confusion over Schwinn serial #'s. Your date of 12-52 would make it a six digit #, starting with F9. In 1959, they also used F9 serial #'s, but with a SEVEN digit number. Check that rear dropout carefully, and look under the fender braces, I'd expect you to find a 7 digit #. The 59 Spitfire would have had S-7 rims, if a regular 26x2.125 balloon tire is tight in the frame, it's definitely a 59. ~Adam
I have a great idea for what you can do with it
1- give it to me i mean really what would you be out you got it for free
2- trade it for a nice pink ladys schwinn (missing a few parts)
3- put the crate back on it and haul olives to and from town
4- give it to me and we will make a sweet stretch
blacksheep said:
Cool bike! One of the neatest things about getting an old bike is that there's usually a good story attached about how you acquired it. 8)

I am honestly thinking of taking some film students with me on bike buying trips. Talk about documentary material, I have met some real characters! Many time I leave with more stories than bikes.
speaking of good stories ., earlly 90S about 91-92 i was taking a lunch brake and saw a yard sale sign ,who could resist one of those, any way im cruisin by and notice this bike sitting on the sidewalk with flat tires ,blue house paint springer forks deluxe chaingaurd ,brass head badge,big crome fenders didint relise at first what i had found figured it out soon after so thier was this kid standing nierby and asked him how much the bike was and he replyed ,oh thats my dads he says its a antique he wants 50 bucks so right away i pick up the bike as the kid stands there stairing at me i walk it right into the garage and this fella walks out ofthe house looking at me cuiriosly and says oh thats 50 bucks , i set the bike down and ask if he can hold here i need to go to the bank i"ll be back that was to me at the time my biggest find and the whole trip too the bank was all a blurr. any way it turned out to be a black phantom minus the rack and tank ,Still have it today !.
