Here's the bike all done :mrgreen: Build thread here :wink:
YUP :mrgreen: Shocked that I'm 13 :lol:A.S.BOLTNUT said:that's schwinnray ?
I like that, "sig-NICK-ture" :mrgreen: I have to get my Dad some different handlebars because his legs don't fit with them I'll get them at Monson or Dudley meet I guess :| I was actually thinking of going no fenders but I like this, it reminds me of a kustom hot rod look :wink: This is my second bike with no front fender so i'm starting my sig-nick-ture I guess :mrgreen:KOTA said:Nick, bike came put real NICE! White tires, on a black bike, ALWAYS look good......As far as the front fender, I like it the way it is..... One more bike with only a rear fender and it could be your "sig-NICK-ture".
UH, ya gotta let your Dad right it (once in a while). :lol:
SCHWINNRAY69 said:YUP :mrgreen: Shocked that I'm 13 :lol:A.S.BOLTNUT said:that's schwinnray ?
Thank you You probably don't see many Columbia's in your area because they were made in Westfield Mass. :wink:Santee said:Nice work! I like the white tires.......Do not see many Columbia bikes in So Cal!