Cool bike with some good parts.The red line pedals and tires are in good shape just need a good cleaning overall the bike is pretty nice.
Not sure if it had fenders or not.
Great looking ole Muscle bike.
I have a 67 like that one that I purchased from a friend on Muscle Bike Forum. I plan to recreate my first bike with it. I had a 68 or 69 Deluxe Dragster. Red with a black/white seat. I'm still needing some parts (seat,chainguard and pedals) I still have the original pedals but they are showing age. I have also ordered other parts for it. Looking forward to the build.
Another nice find Scott! Neat mix of parts on that one, is the seat a glitter Solo Polo? The pedals are cool too, they look like some early Wald red line pedals?
The seat is a glitter solo polo not perfect but nice.
The tires are in good condition no dry rot I think a good cleaning will go a long way on this bike.
I will post some pictures when I get it cleaned up.