I just picked up this bicycle for 50 dollars on craigslist. The owner said it was a 2003 todd lyons series wild man. It is all original se with sealed bearings all around, sealed flip flop hub out back, and 3/4 axels front and back both se rims. The seat, grips and bar ends are brand new color matching se wing style which I figure should make up for the price alone. The Forks are landing gear in good condition. The only problem is I cant find any this color on the net ( its a beige creme color with brown forks) nor do any have 3/4 axels front and back, they all have 1/4 front and sometimes even 1/4 in the back. It also has a generic wald sprocket which I plan on switching out to a heavier unit as well as beefier chain. Is this an early production?? What do you guys think ?? Good score?? Sorry about the flash, the picture was done at night.