'58 Humber

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Sep 19, 2007
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I was very excited when the guy returned my call on this CL find. I love English bikes and from the pic he posted I could tell the frame was my size and that it was Dyno-Hub equipped. After work I drove the 30 miles to look at it and was immediately disappointed when I saw 2 dents in the seat stays and discovered that the S.A Coaster brake hub wasn't fully functional. The seller also 'cleaned' or should I say scratched up the light and the bars. Luckily that's as far as he got. I almost left it but offered him $30 emphasizing the bent frame but we settled on $40. Oh well, I guess that aint so bad. The Dyno-Hub works. Good deal or no? Tell me, I can take it.

Both sides are bent. I have a Raleigh womens frame that has bent chain stays that I may just cut the seat stays off of and weld on this.

Cool seat

Really cool forks.

Dyno-Hub will clean up nice.

Cool chain ring.

Scotchbrite needs to stay in the kitchen. 'What's bronze wool?' he says. :roll:
"I could tell the frame was my size"..........That ALONE makes it a good deal!.......Off topic: Is that a GSH Pointer?
Bummer that it's not exactly what you expected, but it certainly has some charms and I love that chain ring! I've been looking for something similar, and jumped at the offer of a Rudge, but when I got there, it was a lady's frame. I had to pull the ad up on my iPhone, and sure enough, if you look closely you could see the step-through frame, it just wasn't obvious... :(

Still, nice score ej599!
KOTA said:
"I could tell the frame was my size"..........That ALONE makes it a good deal!.......Off topic: Is that a GSH Pointer?
Yes that is a GSH. Good eye. His name is Fred, my son named him. He named him after the character on Scooby Doo. The blonde guy who wears the ascot and drives the van. He said the 3 names he came up with to choose from were Fred, Elvis or Scooby Doo. I'm kinda' glad he didn't name him Scooby Doo Or I'd be hunting in the woods yelling "Scooby Doo, where are you?" :lol:
ej599 said:
KOTA said:
"I could tell the frame was my size"..........That ALONE makes it a good deal!.......Off topic: Is that a GSH Pointer?
Yes that is a GSH. Good eye. His name is Fred, my son named him. He named him after the character on Scooby Doo. The blonde guy who wears the ascot and drives the van. He said the 3 names he came up with to choose from were Fred, Elvis or Scooby Doo. I'm kinda' glad he didn't name him Scooby Doo Or I'd be hunting in the woods yelling "Scooby Doo, where are you?" :lol:

I had an English Pointer named "SweetiePie", try yelling that out in the woods.........The best dog I've ever owned was a GSH Pointer, STILL miss him :cry: ..............His name was KOTA.
something about the 'humber' name just fits a utilitarian english bike to me ,i don't know why. does it have a cool headbadge :?:
I had an English Pointer named "SweetiePie", try yelling that out in the woods.........The best dog I've ever owned was a GSH Pointer, STILL miss him :cry: ..............His name was KOTA.[/quote]

Sorry about your dog. There are few things that will make a grown man cry and losing a good hunting dog is one of them. But if I heard you in the woods calling SWEETIE PIE! I'd feel compelled to reply I'M OVER HERE HONEY! :D
The bike does have a cool headbadge, I'll take some pics tommorow. Now I can't wait to finish this space bike so I can start on this. I'm thinking fenderless, chopped and flipped bar fixie look. I gotta see what I have for bars.
Here's another picture of Fred for you Kota. This dog hunts hard and will go through any cover to find birds.

I took more before pics of the bike outside today. 'The Aristocrat Of All Bicycles'


The kickstand is made of BRASS!




By order of the King!
It reads:By Appointment To The Late King George VI



The King's decree: Ratteth thy Humber!


First off, the bike is looking "RatFast"........Still wondering if it was worth the money? (I think not).
Second, THANKS for the pic of Fred (look at that face)...........I've been putting off getting another dog, I don't think I can hold off any longer.
Money well spent. When I started examining the details I found it was a very classy bike. Completly stripped it today so I can de-tweak the frame. She'll clean up nice and when she's done she'll be my new favorite bike. I've said that many times before though. I'm sure you have too!
It will be this one's (my current favorite bike) evil twin.
'61 Raleigh Dyno-hub

This one was only $40. 8) But anyways, I was doing some research on rocket science (Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub repair as this one is malfunctioning) when I realized I have a S.A. 3spd. coaster brake hub I salvaged from this girls Raleigh Colt. So the good news is if I can't repair the old one I should be able to swap guts and save the '58 hub case. It's also got a 20 tooth sprocket as opposed to the humber's 18 for lower gearing. I ain't getting any younger.

The salvaged hub. It's dated '75.

This dump find bike has also provided me with parts (kick stand, pedals, bearings, cups etc) for my 'JET SCREAMER'. And if I can't straighten the Humbers frame properly she may be giving up her seat stays.
really nifty bike...the badging is quite nifty and I really want a brass kickstand now :-(. *two thumbs up*

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