A Christmas Story, LOL! Sorry dad.

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Feb 8, 2007
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Madison Heights Michigan
Rating - 0%
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Me and my dad were going to visit my uncle adam today.. Take him a present. Grandmas behind us so he decided to back sideways and go across the lawn. So were walking out the door i yell, hey dad let me drive. No he says. Okay. So i get in the truck im daydreaming about somthing. Dad starts backing up i hear and feel SMASH! Lol. I look at dad and say "Told ya i shoulda drove" He backing into grandmas Hyndai. Suprisingly didnt do much damage, Buckled the hood a little bit. Broke the grill. Head lights are fine. Bet were the only ppl in madison heights who spent 4 hours filling out police reports on Christmas Eve. Grandma wasnt even mad, dad felt horrible. Im gonna sneak out later and take pics. Dont wanna rub salt in the wound. I think thats what mom said. Had to share that all with you ANY WAYS

Merry Christmas Fellas!!!
Lol. I didnt get pics.. There not really that much visible damage. It was funny lol. I keep bringing it up, dads MAD!! Goodnight, i gotta get to bed or SANTA WONT STOP AT MY HOUSE! Haha night yall.
The same thing happened to me two years ago.. My wifes Aunt backed into my brand new Grand Marquis. What Am I supposed to do go ballistic on her in front of the family??? ON CHRISTAMS DAY??? No... it's just stupid car. Lay off your dad Ricky.. it's funny yeah but it's not helping. We dad's have our pride. :D

i tapped a friend of a friends car with my wifes car, never hit the gas just took my foot off the brake and backed into it, the wife gave me some grief over it, got out looked at the cars both were okay, i bumped the license bracket on his car (couldnt see any damage) and put a license bolt imprint on my wifes car, then when we got back in the car to leave she told me she hit a lightpole at school the day before in the parkin lot. :roll: :mrgreen: