a new me :)

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Sep 7, 2006
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right after the new year a friend of mine told me of a thing called couch to 5k http://www.c25k.com/ and I thought hmm maybe I should try that so off to the gym I went... the furthest I could run is 25ft and I would be totally gassed so I knew it would take me a whole lot longer than the 9 week program to be able to run the 5k but I am determined to do it. I am a big guy when I started this journey I was 6'5 314lbs.
not wanting to hurt my self I have decided to go slow and also watch what I eat so I can loose weight, I stumbled upon a website http://www.344pounds.com/ and he has given me inspiration that I can do it also. and now 6 weeks later I am up to 1 mile of running and 4 miles of walking 5 times a week and as of this morning down 29 lbs :) I eat a whole lot less but I still eat good tasting food, so with that said off to the gym I go!
You can do eeeet :mrgreen:
I think the real key to weight loss has to be exersize combined with healthy foods.
Stick with it and make a habit of getting your workouts in and you will be able to keep it off.
You can do it Hooch!!

I too am near 300 and 6'5". Looking to lose again. I was down to 240LB 5 years ago and started eating again. Don't give up!!

Should we form an alliance? I'll weigh myself in the morning and check in. I bet I am close to your current weight. what's your goal? mine is 240 again. My knees feel really good there. Depending on what I weigh in the morning that should about 50LBs to lose.
Lets start a thread, post in it weekly to see if we can all ( fat guys :( ), loose some weight. Okay I going to start it under the title "A new US".
I tell ya what...I may not be overweight, but I'm SERIOUSLY out of shape. I think if we had that 25 foot race right now I'd either blow out a knee or have a stroke...ha ha.

I never have been all that athletic so combine that with 14 years of sitting at a desk every day doing graphic design and you've got one out of shape fool.

Each day I get up from my chair at work and feel like my spine has fused together and my legs are all wobbly.

I really need to start doing something...perhaps riding a bike would be a good idea..LOL! :lol:
congrats and good for you. I was at the doctor yesterday and weighed 210. Definately am going to start something too. Thanks for the inspiration.
You can do it Hooch.

Im a fat guy too, I got a rather rude wake up call a few months back. I was one of the "Pushers" for a gravity race team, and im old, and out of shape, but gave it a shot anyways. During one of the push starts something popped hard in my left calf, felt like a cross between a rubber band snapping, and someone slicing the back of my leg with a knife. Pretty painful for a few weeks.

Well after a couple weeks it finally started getting back to normal, so I was out working in the yard one Sunday and I noticed I was getting extremely winded after about five minutes of working, I came in the house to sit down and catch my breath, my wife noticed what was going on. Anyways the next day she calls the Doc and explains whats going on, and the doc said get him to the emergency room asap.

Left work and went to the hospital, they did a CT scan and found I had blood clots on the lungs, they put me in ICU for a couple days on all kinds of different meds, come to find out the leg I injured before was completely full of blood clots and they were breaking off and endingd up in my lungs. Doc said It was lucky I didnt just keel over dead.

Now im on blood thinners for no telling how long, Doc said at least six months, maybe a lifetime?

That was my wake up call to try to get myself a little healthier, no more double cheeseburgers for me :mrgreen:

Only wish I would have started this sooner, so good luck in your weight loss adventures, sounds like your off to an awesome start!
ok this so sucks. I messed up my back last Sat night I would get this catch in my back that would almost drop me to the floor in pain. went to the chiropractor Monday by Tuesday I was feeling alot better and figured i would hit the gym albeit real easy so I did an easy mile walking then did 30 mins on a recumbent bike left the gym feeling awesome. woke up Wednesday in the same pain as earlier in the week. back to the chiropractor on Wednesday . today I am feeling a bit better but scared to workout. so I will give it a rest over the weekend and hopefully i wont loose my drive to do this. now I need a lock on the fridge! lol
good luck to ya man! here maybe this model fridge will help you.. :wink: :lol:

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