I picked up a random frame from craigslist for 15 dollars. DOn't really know anything about it. Any info would help.
Hooch said:yes its a schwinn built frame look for a serial number on the lefthand axle mount
THankssensor said:i really dont think its a 63..............looks like a late 40s or 50's.....whats the size of the headbadge? heres a link to an accurate schwinn serial# chart.........
im guessing but probably a hornet.........late 40's
nice score!
btw where was the serial #? under the bottom bracket or left drop out?
Yeah you're right it's a 52 i misread the serial number.nogoodnic42 said:I've got a BFG with the same paint and its a 52. I don't have my serial # handy so I'm not sure if its close or not...Kelly