A rude awakening

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Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Derby, KS
Rating - 100%
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Nothing like being awakened 2 hours before you normally get up by loud noises outside. My city is replacing ALL of the water mains and I guess today they started at my house.

i have the same to look forward to. thier ripping up the entire street this week. sewers,water mains etc.

after i got a letter stating the $3000 would be added to my property taxes to cover expenses, i got a second letter from the city telling me how lucky i am the city has decided to spring for new sewers.
no mention of us poor smucks that are fronting the bill. and to add insult to injury, they told me my property will increase in value once they cut down the huge maple tree in my front yard and dig up the lawn/garden. :) what ever!

never had a problem with my sewers, not sure why they need to be replaced.
heart broken i'm loosing my tree, where am i gonna hang my halloween decorations? :(
Aren't you happy the government is looking out for us? Sorry to hear they are taking out a good tree. My city got a federal grant to pay for most of our improvements. They are assureing us that our utility bills won't go up. We'll see how long that lasts.
theyre passing a "city law" allowing people tobuy a sticker to drive turn signal/brake light equipped golf carts around town .... but they still frown on 4 wheelers .... and i just wonder how many times im going to get buzzed by a golf cart on my bike this year.
Paying $250 every two months for water and they are talking about raising it another 50% , just in my small town of 2,500 any of the other towns on the lake dont have this problem.......thank God I am renting, alot of empty houses somewhere else :wink:
Udall just did the same with golf carts and those little micro truck things. I had a little 49cc mini chopper that was, by Kansas law (grey area), a motorized bicycle. I could ride it on the street and had lots of fun. One of our local cops was outside the PD talking to a couple State troopers when I buzzed by a block away. He jumped into his car and took off after me. I was back home before he found me. He tried to get on my case about it until I pointed out that it was a "motorized bike". He sheepishly asked me to stay off the streets until the troopers left town, so he wouldn't look stupid. A short time later they passed a law saying that they couldn't be operated in town, even on private property. So I traded it for a canoe http://www.goldenpaperclip.com . Check out the video for trade number 2 in Wichita.
udallcustombikes said:
A short time later they passed a law saying that they couldn't be operated in town, even on private property.

There's no way they could stop you from riding on private property. Who runs your town, the Gestapo? I'd let them give me a ticket for riding on my own property and then I'd see them in court. Many times, just the threat of legal action against a town will make them back down. They have no money for a costly legal battle. Gary
the gestapo, nice reference! im reading Night right now(its about the holocaust if anyone didnt know). but yeah, its rediculous how towns restrict innocent things like motorized bikes and let in ignorant things like golf carts. either walk or get in you car. they obviously dont have a bike if they have to resort to that.
Oh yea well the IDEM Indiana Department of Environmental Management decided to build a 1 million gallon storm sewer over flow tank down the hill in my back yard. They fence off my land so the mini bike track is gone now, and sledding is out of the question :x. This is what i looked like last September
Then they got started with this

This is what it looked like last week.
4.5 million $ project. We started paying alot more money for water about a year ago :x. Hopefully when its done they will buy my house and i can get some land away from this. Oh did i mention this is in the middle of my town Brownsburg.
well after a lot of ......., i managed to save the tree.
constructions underway and boy are they making a mess.
my neighbours car is stuck in the driveway. (wasn't home to move it)
they told him it will be at least a week before he can get it out. :(



I was quite happy when they came by today and re-seeded the area where they tore up. A couple of the guys came by the garage while I was out tinkering and we talked (as best as we could with my poor spainish and their broken english) about bikes and such.

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