A Tale of Three BFKs...

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Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
southern PA
When I first read about these, I had to have one, so I bought the green one for $79. Then just before Xmas, I saw that my Wallys had them down to $35... and I had a vision. One frame in 3 colors with 3 different personalities, representing the different stages the Stingray went through in history. So here we have them: the green one representing an early '60s Super DeLuxe, the blue one representing a late '60s fenderless, and the black one representing a '70s BMX conversion...





They're not done, none of them. They all have issues I want to address. First and foremost, I realize that the cheap Huffy fork on the blue bike is probably a felony in some parts of the country. Hey, it's all I had laying around. As soon as I find an appropriate Schwinn fork, I'll try to paint it to match. The green bike needs grips and a front fender (working on that), and the black bike needs the fork painted to match and maybe some proper black tires. At this point, I'll just keep swapping parts as I find them... sissybars, black BMX tires, rattraps, wide V bars, like that... I'd like to move the bars that are on the green bike over to the blue one, and get some wide V ones for the green one...

My wife thinks I'm a nutball. Bah, what does she know... :mrgreen:

COOL!!will the rear fender from the blue one work on the front of the green one...??(with some mods..)
Isn't it so much nicer being able to view photos inline as opposed to that silly attachment system on the Schwinn site?

I'll say it here too....love that green one! :mrgreen:
yeah, the attachments are a PITA... only thing is I keep running out of room at my ISP and I have to delete old pics. I should look into a Photobucket account or something.

glad you like. :mrgreen: they sure ain't all authentic Schwinn, but they have a musclebike vibe, which is what I wanted...

man i wish i could afford this stuff
my wal mart is still at 79 bucks
and i just spent 25 on bars and stuff for a project and get this 27 BUCKS for SHIPPING from calli

now i am broke and need to seel somethin
and bein 15 as of torow and where i live it isn't the easiet to get a job to fund this
fast eddie said:
what does 'BFK' mean?
fast eddie outty

Black Friday Krate

Somebody on the Scwhinn forum was blowin' a gasket over people calling these Krates. :roll: :roll:
moparmayhem93 said:
and i just spent 25 on bars and stuff for a project and get this 27 BUCKS for SHIPPING from calli

wow... 27 to ship a set of bars?

did you order from bicycledesigner.com?
It cost me 13 bucks to ship a rear 20 inch wheel, 16 inch wheel and pedals..priority..

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