About 4 years ago, Boise had 3 cyclist deaths in the span of a 2 weeks. 2 of those cyclist were very experienced. Some citations were written but no jail time. The city convened a Bicycle Safety Commission that came back with a 3 feet to pass law and a few other trivial jestures. The cycling community has done a few things, most notably the Boise Bicycle Project and their cycling education programs. Here is the original post, the 2 links are dead. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17177&p=174175
Well it is happen again. 2 cycling deaths, 1 pedestrian death, 1 cycling injury and 9 pedestrian injuries in the span of 2 weeks.
http://www.boiseweekly.com/CityDesk/arc ... other-life
Well it is happen again. 2 cycling deaths, 1 pedestrian death, 1 cycling injury and 9 pedestrian injuries in the span of 2 weeks.
http://www.boiseweekly.com/CityDesk/arc ... other-life