Yeah, Cleveland Welding stopped making frames in 1956 - they had already been sold to AMF but after '56 CWC no longer had anything to do with it. CWC frames have gone up a little in the past couple years - still cheaper than Schwinns but a few guys here on RRB are trying to get more than $50 for them. Unless it's a 1930s that I don't have $50 is my limit. Look for "package deals", that is a frame with other parts still attached. I bought a 54' frame on ebay for $116, but it also came with the Shockmaster springer fork, seat post, skip tooth chain and complete crankset w/ sprocket. Figure even if you don't need the other parts you can always sell or trade them here on RRB. Keep your eyes open the next 2 weeks - with the beginning of the buildoff starting on May 1st there may be a lot of movement in the for sale section as guys are looking for frames and sellers know that. Easiest way to recognize CWCs immediately - all frames between the years 1940 and 1954 that have chain stays curving up on the end towards the drop out are CWCs. They made other styles but these type are definitely CWC. Have fun and hope to see you in the buildoff! Robert