Any Cat lovers on here?

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She was cold tired hungrey came begging for bread,this Rat took her in and gave her breakfast in bed.

She found ME.

Her name is now CARNEY,She was thin,now she's FAT.

God gave me a good one...She's a keeper!
I love em. I miss my cat terribly. I got him from an acquaintance who found a litter in a plastic bag in his car when he returned to it after shopping. He was 4 months old when I got him. He was 17 when we had to put him down two years ago. I still "see him" out of the corner of my eye sometimes. It's eerie and heart warming at the same time. I might get another sometime. But not until my dog is gone (she missed him for a little while too) and I don't see him anymore.
Yes ...
LOL this is a "CAT HOUSE "
... we have to many & they All are ferell ... that have befriended & moved in on us.
I'm only employed to pay the mortgage on Fifi's house. She has me trained well. She's 13. Found her in a house that was being torn down.

We have 4. My wife and I built a really cool corner hangout for them.3 carpeted shelves with 3 Rope wrapped columns and a 3 foot section of wall carpeted to the ceiling next to it. Its a blast!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Carney came slinkin',meowin' and purrin' real loud around the back door one night while I was smokin' a cig (scaired the dog sh** outa me) while the local carnival was going on in the background.Thats how I gave her that name.

I took her in then went right to 7-11 for the best cat food they had.(shes since filled out real good)

She loves to play and get petted....and "help" me work on bikes by giving me the face and tail rub on my leg.

My niece Cammy wears her out playing kitty games...then its nap time.
cat lover here .. had a cat Patsy since i was born grew up as my shadow had to put her down when she and i were 21 .. the .... cat food got her .. and she was a very active good looking cat for 21..

now i have Harley .. what a personality this one has i swear she thinks she's a dog this is Harley orange and black owl lookin cat lol

she was totally cool sitting in that basket maybe its time to get a leash for her and take her out and about hahahaha
kinda funny, even though we have 4 cats I had to corner a mouse in the house while the cats watched!! :shock:
MagicRat said:
I saw NO humor of the cat in the cage.

No, there is nothing funny about that cat. It's a minion of satan. I like very few cats, some are kind of like dogs, but most are employees of the devil.

I have two, one of which I like, the other I tolerate because we love animals and it needed a home.
My kitty died last october i beileve? :( Had him for 15 years, he went wacko started poopin in the dryer... that sounds funny but sad. God i miss my cat.

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