It's still hard for me to get used to warm weather during the winter. Now that I live on the Gulf Coast, instead of Michigan, I can get out and ride year around. Mid 70s this weekend, took the Hepkat out Saturday night and Sunday. As you can see, I still haven't painted it yet.
Sunset on the beach.
My patriotic pic with our Stars and Stripes in the background.
As an old navigator from the Navy, here's a pic that I call, 'Red, Right, Returning" If you know the 'Rules of the road' then you'll understand what that means.
The sun was almost gone. Time to turn on the lights.
Going home.

Sunset on the beach.

My patriotic pic with our Stars and Stripes in the background.

As an old navigator from the Navy, here's a pic that I call, 'Red, Right, Returning" If you know the 'Rules of the road' then you'll understand what that means.

The sun was almost gone. Time to turn on the lights.

Going home.