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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
23   0   0
Can someone proof this list to make sure I've included everyone.

01. "1940 Columbia" by Rudy Rude
02. "57 Speed Creep" by 48 Hawthorne
03. "Archie Klunker" by GTCOMA
04. "Ben Davis" by NOC
05. "Beyond Thunderdome" by Chain Reaction
06. "Black American" by blackphantom
07. "Black and Wild" by garagegoon
08. "Blue Eliminator" by Weekend Fun
09. "Blue Moon" by Ken Nighplay
10. "Blue Ribbon Betty" by mtbikn212
11. "Blue X" by skipton
12. "Bombing Betty" by chaunceysj
13. "Boss Ross" by gowjobs
14. "Broken Beat Scarred" by Simpleman
15. "Bruizer" by iDood
16. "Cash" by Devilmaysay
17. "Cinco de Polo" by JoKeR63
18. "Cpuff" by Cashman
19. "CWC 1" by Roadmaster
20. "Dynomite Racer" by zelkmaster
21. "Elgin Old Army" by frameteam2003
22. "Engine No. 9" by fenderhole
23. "Grandpa Rockhopper" by XC204
24. "Hometown Hero" by 59punk
25. "Jenna Saykwa" by xddorox
26. "Kindergarten Cruiser" by mrflagman
27. "Knuckledown" by Found Objects
28. "Krusty Kargo" by bean
29. "Lazy Rodent" by Monster Metal
30. "Lincoln Green" by Hubgearfreak
31. "Mildly Curious" by warpigg
32. "Monkey Panic" by Bicycleguy
33. "Mr. Goodyear" by deorman
34. "Murray Resurrection" by Schwinnspastic
35. "Naked 41" by jcextreme
36. "Phantom Menace" by John Payne
37. "Picnic Time" by purple
38. "Poore Mans Dream" by murraymadman
39. "Primed for Renewal" by Flying Dingo
40. "Resicycle" by 2dawgs
41. "Rusty Brit" by pvwacko
42. "Salt Shaker" by hotrodjen
43. "Sandune 2.0" by dirtywater
44. "Schwinnliner" by Hooch
45. "Silver Flyer" by Wildcat
46. "Skull-o-sis" by icyoud2
47. "Steamed Rat" by Markm
48. "Stella Bread Racer" by irzouts
49. "Stream-Flex" by 37fleetwood
50. "Swinger Special" by cman
51. "The Bandit" by Double Nickle
52. "The Desert Stormer" by 2wheelflyer
53. "The Goon" by hewey
54. "The Grady Rocket" by char
55. "The Juak Ali" Graylock
56. "The King of Cowley County" by udallcustombikes
57. "The Newsboy Special" by ratina
58. "The Sidewalk Super Villain Supernaut" by bighit
59. "The Tennessee Klunk" by biss-ness
60. "The Way Out Suburbanite" by Schweetcruisers
61. "The Wormwood Limited" by Strings_and_steam
62. "Tiki Time Cruiser" by bigcam59
63. "Undertaker" by Kuttnhack
64. "Vagabond Gent" by xHOBOPHOBIAx
65. "Widowmaker VI" by texasbigjohn
We had a case in the past where a couple of bikes got left wasn't pretty. :?
yes please, and a photo in the gallery?
65 in the finished forum, one put there by accident, Beyond thunderdome listed twice, Stream-Flex not on the list makes 64, should be it, unless you guys find anymore doubles.
maybe i'm mistaken, but i counted 65 pic in udall's thread including fleetwoods
yup 65
The double Beyond Thunderdome and the missing Stream-flex by 37fleetwood comes up to 65 for me looking at cmans list.
Okay...the list above should be fixed now.

Let me know if you see any other mistakes.

Thanks guys! :D
Wow Steve how do you have any hair left after these?
Thanks for doing all this work for us, we really do appreciate it.
Three Cheers for Steve!

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