Bending 7/8" Steel

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Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Findlay, IL
Rating - 100%
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I made a bent seat post out of 5/8" rod and it just looks and feels too wimpy. I want to make one out of 7/8" bar stock. Can I bend the 7/8" rod by hand with cheaters or do I have to make a trip to the muffler shop and get it bent with hydraulics? Other methods?
Hey Monster Metal...too bad you live so far away! :( B607
Use a torch to heat the metal in the area that you want the bend. Put one end in a vice and use a pipe that slips over the other end as a cheater. An Oxy Acetylene torch would be the cats meow, but even a prpane torch will help.
if ya cant get a hold of an oxy acetlyne torch, Mapp gas is a great and more compact alternative.. it comes in the yellow bottle. can get it at most hardware stores or places like home depot, lowes. :mrgreen:
I tell you what.... You draw me a picture of how you want it to look, or find a picture of one you like (how sharp of corner and how long of legs) .. and I'll build it. Catch is you gotta return the favor to another member in need. I'll even cover the shipping... But that's my final offer.
I assume since I didnt hear from you that you figured it out... But I did some playing today anyway...

The top one is just bent 7/8 stainless rod.... The other one I hand forged to look more like the "7" seat posts out of 1018 cold rolled...

Hello Monster Metal. Nope, didn't figure it out yet. I don't have a piece of 7/8" and haven't had time to find one. Sure, I'll take you up on your offer! :) I want it to look like the one on my ratrod only with a better bend like you do. 8)

The upper part of the "L" needs to be approx. 6" and the lower part approx. 8". I like the first one you posted but the angle is wrong. Instead of 90° it needs to be approx. 125°. Let me know if this makes sense. B607
Sure.... 125 deg. do you want it out of 7/8 solid or tubing?

PM me with your shipping addy and I'll get it out on Monday....