Better not steal a bike from these guys

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bait, wait and punish!!! love it ! :lol: i hope they had frozen paint balls :lol:

if the overseeing bodies don't do their job so be it that the people help get the guy.

the word don't look so bad when you know it's true meaning

"member of a vigilance committee," 1856, Amer.Eng., from Sp. vigilante, lit. "watchman," from L. vigilantem (see vigilance). Vigilant man in same sense is attested from 1824 in a Missouri context. Vigilance committees kept informal rough order on the frontier or in other places where official authority was imperfect.

so the next time someone saves you or your family member from the wrong doings by a CRIMINAL..
please THANK that Vigilante for keeping you or yours safe...
justice is such a beautiful thing! you work your butt off to buy a bike, then some coward who is too lazy too work steals it from you? very few things are lower than a thief in my book. i would love to know how this guy made out after the law got him. best part of it is once word of this got around, im sure a few would be thieves changed their minds! i love the red painted hand.
Upper Class White Trash said:
bait, wait and punish!!! love it ! :lol: i hope they had frozen paint balls :lol:

if the overseeing bodies don't do their job so be it that the people help get the guy.

the word don't look so bad when you know it's true meaning

"member of a vigilance committee," 1856, Amer.Eng., from Sp. vigilante, lit. "watchman," from L. vigilantem (see vigilance). Vigilant man in same sense is attested from 1824 in a Missouri context. Vigilance committees kept informal rough order on the frontier or in other places where official authority was imperfect.

so the next time someone saves you or your family member from the wrong doings by a CRIMINAL..
please THANK that Vigilante for keeping you or yours safe...

And when your neighborhood vigilante committees from the late 1800's got big and out of hand, they gave them a name... The KKK. Be careful what you wish for. Gary
B607 said:
Upper Class White Trash said:
bait, wait and punish!!! love it ! :lol: i hope they had frozen paint balls :lol:

if the overseeing bodies don't do their job so be it that the people help get the guy.

the word don't look so bad when you know it's true meaning

"member of a vigilance committee," 1856, Amer.Eng., from Sp. vigilante, lit. "watchman," from L. vigilantem (see vigilance). Vigilant man in same sense is attested from 1824 in a Missouri context. Vigilance committees kept informal rough order on the frontier or in other places where official authority was imperfect.

so the next time someone saves you or your family member from the wrong doings by a CRIMINAL..
please THANK that Vigilante for keeping you or yours safe...

And when your neighborhood vigilante committees from the late 1800's got big and out of hand, they gave them a name... The KKK. Be careful what you wish for. Gary

We must always fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil that we must fear the most, and that is the indifference of good men.


i guess you could say the black panthers were a vigilante group also!! but the difference was they used their violence to spread a message that they had enough and things had to change,

and i'm sure that there were some extreamests in that group that took things a little to far also.
UCWT, I agree. The Black Panthers were not angels but they were far from the devil. It was a war at that time and they were just demanding their rights in a different form that received reccognition. But I don't know, look at MLK Jr... he wasn't violent at all yet was highly effective in the Civil Rights Movement.

Everyone is different I guess.
right on brother
i understand that every movement has a front man but wasn't his message to stand up for yourself and not to let them do you wrong anymore? (not versed on MLK)

and some did so by peaceful protest and others took a more hands on approach.

checks and balances if nobody gets checked there is no balance.