bicycle demolition derby

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Jun 3, 2012
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arkansas city,kansas
Rating - 100%
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yup i think my wife is right i am going crazy and always think of ways to get hurt
but i was just curious has anyone ever done a bicycle demolition derby?
im pretty heavy into stuff like this and i run the demotion derby in heavy iron class around here although i never won best i done was 9th out of 12 it's OK you can laugh i do every time i think bout it lol.
but back to my idea
i have lots of junk bikes that would be perfect just for smashing up as long as it was done with a few safety standards to avoid serious injury let me know if this is a good idea or if my wife is right by saying im over the top and may need serious help lol
also if anyone has built bikes for such an event please show them as i am curious as to how this would work
thanks for viewing
lol thanks peatbog

yeah i think shes right as well.
after i wrote this i decided im gonna build a demo bike just for fun even if i never do such a thing.
im thinking stuff like welding braces to stop wheels from falling off and such.
we will see what i come up with an i will post pics.
thanks and good to see you again peatbog
so i found this pic courtesy of choppercabres
these are their ram bikes they use at an event
im thinking something similar to this idea with a cage around the front to prevent serious injury
i will see what i come up with in my laboratory (evil laughter attempt and fail lol)
thanks for looking
I like it with those bumpers, but how would you consider a bike to be "out" you know better than me in a demo derby that a car is dead when it can't move any longer. Since people are the engines of bicycles, would *we* have to be dead to be counted out? :shock: :lol:

It would be down to mechanical failure, chain off, done. Tire flat and you can still get traction, keep going, but once it wraps around the axle, you're done.

What if bikes had an engineered "weak spot" that could give way in a bad hit causing an out?

As for safety, like in derby, no direct driver side hits on purpose, so in bicycle derby, no on purpose leg hits. I'd suggest helmets for all (a given), then thick gloves like hockey or welding gloves, and shin guards.

I like this idea.
heya youthgeye
yeah those are all excellent ideas
safety would definitely be key and i agree no direct hits to leg or causing personal injury on purpose
basically what might work as an out is when you can no longer operate the bicycle by pedaling it.
so basically yeah chain being knocked off but then we got the issue legs being hit.
maybe once you have to walk the bike its out or if it becomes dangerous to the rider or others.
of course also when a person falls everyone has to wait until either the rider is back on or he walks off the course
little things im still thinking of to make it safe yet fun
you got some good ideas though definitely agree with helmet and gloves and protection
thanks for posting
heya bike2112
that might be a good way to do it as well but the safety issue comes into play
maybe use foam sticks or a flag system to knock the other out
that's kinda what the ram bikes are from what i can make
chopperabres has some awesome ideas and that's where i got this idea well one of them lol
thanks for posting
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
sort of what you're thinking, but this might be better described as complete anarchy:

I'm thinking of something a little more organized and uniform! haha

I'd say a group of people set up all the bikes, all 20" all with the same bumpers. Your admission to play is to bring a 20" bike with good tubes.
ifitsfreeitsforme said:
sort of what you're thinking, but this might be better described as complete anarchy:

lol that's awesome that's pretty much what im thinking only single bikes
youthgeyes idea of 20 inch bikes with 20 inch tubes is a good idea so everyone has a fair shot
thanks for sharing that vid n for posting
Maybe it can be ruled that if you put a foot on the ground, you're out? Then it becomes about bumping others lightly and safely enough that they have to put a foot down, but you don't. Last guy with his feet still on his pedals, wins. Then it might go fast enough, that you could have several rounds.

the choppercabres in action this is very similar to what im thinking except maybe not as violent lol
devrn science yeah thats what im thinking something like the rider needs t keep both feet on the pedals or give them x amount of seconds to get back on before their tapped out
that's a pretty good idea too
im also thinking dirt arena so no one gets scraped up
thanks for posting
Used to do it here. Can't recall much about it though. Here's only pic I could find of one of the bikes.
What if you used bicycles converted into trikes (standard or recumbent) with those once one wheel is gone or you lose your chain your "out" plus if your only allowed to hit the double wheel part it can be safer

some examples oh homemade trikes


yeah the trikes would be cool but maybe a different "heat"
much like the real demo derbies they have different classes called heats
there could be a 16 inch heat 20 inch heat then 24/26 inch heat then trike heat
that would be a good idea
btw tat reverse trike with the front wheels is sweet
i been thinking of something like that
good craftsmanship on those
thanks for posting
I rode with a club here in Boston that used TP Toilet paper on the sissy bar or rear of bike in strips if you pulled a piece off that bike was out of the contest .Needless to say there where crashes .. good times .. :mrgreen:

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