Bike Accident Aggregate Post

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Kevin B

Bicycle Demolitionist
Pro Member
Mar 31, 2011
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Lehigh Acres, (Fort Myers) Florida
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In another post accidents came up and I shared that we have several threads about wrecks, accidents, mishaps and etc. I thought it might be good to consolidate the threads in a new thread. Hope that is OK. Some of the posts are funny with nothing more than pride hurt. Others are sad, sobering reminders of how quickly and horribly things can go wrong. Here is a start of a list of some of the threads. A search on helmets or safety will pull up more.
Feel free to add other threads or posts here. These were just some I had read and was aware of them.

Worst Bike Crashes

Tumbles You've Taken . . .

Worst Thing That's Happened To You On a Bike
In another post accidents came up and I shared that we have several threads about wrecks, accidents, mishaps and etc. I thought it might be good to consolidate the threads in a new thread. Hope that is OK. Some of the posts are funny with nothing more than pride hurt. Others are sad, sobering reminders of how quickly and horribly things can go wrong. Here is a start of a list of some of the threads. A search on helmets or safety will pull up more.
Feel free to add other threads or posts here. These were just some I had read and was aware of them.

Worst Bike Crashes

Tumbles You've Taken . . .

Worst Thing That's Happened To You On a Bike
Nice work sir 👍
While some crashes do not leave severe injuries, they always leave some kind of memory
of the event.

Here is one that fits that description.

My very first bike ride. 7 years old. At the house of my dad's boss. In the country.
His sons bike.
"Sure you can ride it. Just get on and go"

So I got on and went. As fast as I could go, through a grassy field.
Grass was high enough to hide the small log.

Sure enough, over the bars with tumble and roll.
What a surprise.
I was fine, landed in the grass.
there was something about the wheel,
never got asked to ride there again.
Recent finger update for a fracture laceration biking incident I posted about in my BO thread.
Healing well. The nail might return funky.

Then the other night I took a tumble slipstreaming a friend's ebike going up hill over 20 mph in high gear when his thumb slipped off the throttle causing a major deceleration. Sitting on his wheel he said he saw me flip over the front of my bike into the rocks.
I immediately shook it off checking for bodily damage to realize my wrist was bent to the side and feeling super tight.
Back to the hospital for another fracture:blackeye:
My guy felt so bad. I kept telling him it's ok. This is bike life. Crashing is par the course. We were happy no one was around to see it and my carbon fork survived. My wrist/hand was badly swollen, twice the size of the other. Couldn't sleep. Icing with bags of frozen peas helped a lot.
Minor road rash.


Another week or so I'll be ready for more:crazy: Running out of hands to work with.

Took my several minutes to type this post.

Wiping with the opposite hand takes getting used to also😄
While some crashes do not leave severe injuries, they always leave some kind of memory of the event
I have 2 that I don't have memory of but I know they happened because I had the recovery and the hospital bills to prove it. Both left a big gap in memories. I can remember getting ready for my race and going to staging and the other I only remember breakfast that day. Lost the hours in between, during, immediately after. Stupid concussions have taken their toll

My crash in 1968 was noteworthy.

It was the first day of summer vacation in Sandusky Ohio. I was 11 years old. The weather was perfect for riding all day long, and two of my brothers and I set out early and headed to the quarry to ride. The quarry was forbidden, but had the best hills you could ask for. A steep dirt hill surrounded the quarry to keep people out, but was used for sledding in the winter and riding in the summer. It was about 50 feet tall and snaked around the perimeter of the big quarry for about a mile. A beaten path ran across the top of the hill which was about 30 feet wide. Riding down the other side was a thrill, it was a steep drop but smooth and bottomed out on flat limestone which extended for several hundred yards. A long crack in the limestone made a great ramp to jump, as there was room to hit top speed and then a long way to land after the jump. Way over to the south was the quarry wall, a hundred foot cliff where they were mining limestone.
My youngest brother's bike was broken, so we stole my oldest brother's bike. It was a Hercules 3 speed with the handlebars all the way down and seat raised for racing. It was the fastest bike in the neighborhood. My bike was a 24" Evans and my older brother had a Monark I think. We spent most of the morning riding and having a blast. We switched bikes at one point and I was on the Hercules. There was a long medium grade road on the lower hill that went a long way down to the limestone. I had ridden it and it was tame enough and had a small dip near the bottom but wasn't that bad. My brothers didn't believe I had ridden that road before. I said "Watch me then, but I need my bike." My younger brother didn't want to give up the Evans, so he said: "I thought you could ride that road." I said "Ok then." and rode down it on the Hercules. The seat was so high I could barely touch the pedals, so I was riding on the top bar as I went down the incline. As I approached the little dip I decided to slow down a little and eased on the rear brake. It only locked up the wheel as all my weight was on the front wheel, so I very slowly eased on the front brake. I could have ridden the road without slowing down but I decided to slow down. The front brake grabbed and I flipped over the bars.
I came to and looked around wondering what was going on. I would have had a concussion, but I used my left arm as a cushion for my head just as I landed. My arm had two broken bones, radius and ulna. Cleanly fractured and my arm had a big kink in it. I looked up the hill and saw my two brothers watching. They thought I was kidding around because I was out for a minute, but then they saw my broken arm. Panic set in as we were forbidden to ride back at the quarry. The old man was known throughout the neighborhood as being mean. There was a lot of cussing and whippings in our household on a regular basis.
They took off! I was now at the bottom with a broken arm and a Hercules bike. I had big problems, one, being back at the quarry, and two, my oldest brother's bike. I couldn't leave the bike, so I dragged it with one hand and began the long journey home. Going up the hill was slow but I was doing it. At the top of the hill, the steep drop back to the cornfield was a dilemma. I finally had to let the bike roll down and crash at the bottom while I slid down as best I could. It ground the brown dirt into my clothing. I was also covered in white limestone dust from the crash. I made it to the bottom and drug the bike through the neighborhood hoping no one would see me. It was about 9am when I got back to the house. My two brothers were afraid, as I was. We were in for a beating. Dad expected to sleep in on a Saturday morning.
I tried to clean up but it was impossible. I was covered in dust and dirt and had a broken arm. I changed clothes but that didn't help. I had to scrub to get the dirt off and I was now in too much pain to worry about it. I went in to wake up my parents while everyone else hid somewhere.
"I think I broke my arm." My dad looked up and didn't think so, as I had my broken arm cradled with my good arm. Then I held up my left arm and he got up. "Ok let's go." He wasn't mad at all. I guess you don't get a whipping if your arm is already broken. I told them I hit the curb and flipped, but they knew I was at the quarry because I was covered in limestone dust.
So, I went from the first day of summer vacation 1968 to the last day of summer vacation with a big cast on my left arm.
I looked on google to see if the dirt hill was still there. Nope, the quarry has mined right up to the edge of the property where the dirt hill was. It's just a hundred foot cliff now.
This doesnt really compare to the above, but we've all been here...

Starts with going to the skatepark. But my regular bike with grippy tires (odyssey brocs) had a flat and the brake cable had been sticking so I went with my 20inch rider aka "The Murder Bike". This bike is mostly black and had been the subject of a conversation that it was "murdered out". I started adding bits of red to it and had just put spankin new S&M 101 pedals on and hadn't ridden them yet. OK, lets take the murder bike to the skatepark!

My feet stuck to those pedals quite well, until I came up on a hip a little too parallel and the tires slipped. I threw my leg down to catch myself and BAM. Since then, its been known as "Redrum".


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Lol I have a similar story behind the name of my Diamondback BMX, Snakebite. But way less cool, I suppose. I build a ramp for the ThundrrrLads to get some sick air, and of course the old man needed to have a go. Those alloy pedals with the steel spikes really gripped the meat of my shin when my foot came off. Probably should have gone for stitches, but I didn't want to scare the kids, so I just hosed it off. Still have two deep fang marks as a reminder. Last week when I took it out for a spin, it nipped me on the calf once again, to let me know it is still vicious.
I have 2 that I don't have memory of but I know they happened because I had the recovery and the hospital bills to prove it. Both left a big gap in memories. I can remember getting ready for my race and going to staging and the other I only remember breakfast that day. Lost the hours in between, during, immediately after. Stupid concussions have taken their toll

After "chewin' on your comment for a while, it occurs to me that while you don't remember the
crashes, you do remember the aftermath.
Were those crashes at a BMX track?

Not that much is said about the "bad" part of racing, like injuries.
It seems that those parts are "cut out" of some movies, like "Rad" or "Bmx Bandits".
It's clear what is about to happen, even if "cut".

But the few young riders I have met who did race said that the "injuries" were the worst part
of racing.

For myself, I found ways to get injured without racing.
Lol I have a similar story behind the name of my Diamondback BMX, Snakebite. But way less cool, I suppose. I build a ramp for the ThundrrrLads to get some sick air, and of course the old man needed to have a go. Those alloy pedals with the steel spikes really gripped the meat of my shin when my foot came off. Probably should have gone for stitches, but I didn't want to scare the kids, so I just hosed it off. Still have two deep fang marks as a reminder. Last week when I took it out for a spin, it nipped me on the calf once again, to let me know it is still vicious.
The funny thing is, I dont typically name bikes and other things. My friends name their cars, their bikes, etc. I guess this bike felt left out.

After "chewin' on your comment for a while, it occurs to me that while you don't remember the
crashes, you do remember the aftermath.
Were those crashes at a BMX track?

Not that much is said about the "bad" part of racing, like injuries.
It seems that those parts are "cut out" of some movies, like "Rad" or "Bmx Bandits".
It's clear what is about to happen, even if "cut".

But the few young riders I have met who did race said that the "injuries" were the worst part
of racing.

For myself, I found ways to get injured without racing.
I've had 4 "diagnosed" concussions in my life, probably more that I never sought treatment for. Both of the ones mentioned were during my years racing motorized contraptions. One was stadium motocross and the other was during my road racing stint. The mx crash was (I'm told) the result of colliding bars with another rider and caused me to whiskey throttle into the whoops. At some point another bike probably clipped my helmet. The other one was during a rain race at Grattan raceway in Michigan. My assumption is I just overcooked a turn in the rain or misread the water on track and hydroplaned into the tire barriers. That one actually cracked my helmet so I really count myself lucky to be alive
I've had 4 "diagnosed" concussions in my life, probably more that I never sought treatment for. Both of the ones mentioned were during my years racing motorized contraptions. One was stadium motocross and the other was during my road racing stint. The mx crash was (I'm told) the result of colliding bars with another rider and caused me to whiskey throttle into the whoops. At some point another bike probably clipped my helmet. The other one was during a rain race at Grattan raceway in Michigan. My assumption is I just overcooked a turn in the rain or misread the water on track and hydroplaned into the tire barriers. That one actually cracked my helmet so I really count myself lucky to be alive
wow Grattan raceway. thats near my old stompin grounds. I grew up in E Grand Rapids, and then Wyoming (both suburbs of Grand Rapids). We used to go to Clarksville races to watch Jay Springsteen and brothers race, as well as Berlin raceway.
wow Grattan raceway. thats near my old stompin grounds. I grew up in E Grand Rapids, and then Wyoming (both suburbs of Grand Rapids). We used to go to Clarksville races to watch Jay Springsteen and brothers race, as well as Berlin raceway.
Road America was my "home" track but man Grattan is a blast. So much fun in a small package
Back in the 1980's a buddy and myself were riding our ten speeds from his house on the Elk River to another beach community where the Elk River meets the Chesapeake Bay. We were descending a steep hill with a drop off to our right. I was out front. The road was rather narrow and large barge American car was heading up the hill. I moved to the right, when my front wheel broke through the sandy shoulder with the wheel waffling, tossing me over the handlebars. The poor old guy driving the car jammed on his brakes, coming to a stop. I had tucked and rolled, coming back up to my feet right by his window, where I announced, "AND NOW, FOR MY NEXT TRICK!". My buddy had managed to stop without mishap but almost fell off his bike laughing. The old man drove off shaking his head. I loosened all the spokes and banged the rim into a semblance of round, opened up the caliper brakes, and replaced the wheel. We slowly returned home, with the front wheel wobbling like crazy, hoping it wouldn't collapse. Nothing hurt, just my pride and the front wheel.
Sometimes accidents happen because you're just stupid. (See my signature).

Three times I have used my bike to haul a frame home. Two weeks ago I saw a Huffy step through put out for the trash. In this thread I write about building a wheel truer and said I had "skin in the game."

This was my first bike wreck in over 50 years. Here is what happened. The third time wasn't the charm. The "Trash Day Eve," Huffy was complete except for the seat, wheels and handle bars. I wanted the frame. I picked it up and carried it by the top tube with my right arm. I steered with my left arm and road for home. After going about 1 1/2 miles I was within 1/2 mile of my home. That was when I planned to rest the frame on my bikes handle bars and get a more comfortable grip. Things got tangled up, I couldn't steer and rode it down into the right of way. The hit was hard. My right knee had about a 3" diameter raw patch from the black top. Both inner thighs had bad bruises (My top tube?), My right side from below my waist up to my 2nd from the bottom rib was a purple lacerated mess. I think I contacted the donor bikes chain wheel as there were teeth marks on my side. My right arm got smashed between both bikes and is still swollen 14 days later. The last thing to hit the ground was my forehead and I was briefly seeing stars. It seems nothing is broken the bruising is going away. My Schwinn (and I do not know how!) hasn't got a scratch. The right grip had road rash on the edge. The mirror was knocked out of alignment and the bell turned 180 degrees on the bars.

Lessons learned from the school of hard knocks:

1. No more using my bike for a wrecker. Stash the find in the bushes and come back with the car.
2. I think I am going to start wearing my helmet.🚴‍♂️

Now you know why I haven't contributed to "What are you riding Lately,? lately. :21:
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well thank fully I have not had a woops in a while. but ya one day while goofing around at the local Vans skate park. IE pretending I'm a high school kid and my body still works like a kids. I got in a fight with a concrete block wall. on weather I can still ride like I used to. sadly I lost that fight. I tried to shake it off like no big whoop. till the nice woman who works there ask if I need to sit down and would like a bag of ice an a paper towel.. she points to the blood on the ground. I grab my phone get a few selfies. that's when I decide funs over pedal/ ride home.

photos are out of order. but you get the gist.


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