I've had this bike for 15+ years. It's time to clean it up and ride it. I don't know what it is.
The chainguard looks like an add-on. Even the fenders appear to be added on. There is no place for the lower front of the rear fender to attach to the frame. The front hub looks unusual to me. The nameplate is a gold decal but whatever was on it is now gone. There is a decal on the seat tube that says Michael's Cycles , Kingsport TN.The serial Number is HC1720784. What is it?
The chainguard looks like an add-on. Even the fenders appear to be added on. There is no place for the lower front of the rear fender to attach to the frame. The front hub looks unusual to me. The nameplate is a gold decal but whatever was on it is now gone. There is a decal on the seat tube that says Michael's Cycles , Kingsport TN.The serial Number is HC1720784. What is it?