Bleaching white tires

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Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Rating - 0%
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I was at a LBS recently and came upon a set of white tires. I got them at a real good price because one side on each tire is faded from the sun. The tires were in the display window for about 3 months. I'd like to use them on a bike, but have no idea if the fade could be bleaced somehow. Has anyone tried something like this? What did you use and how did you do it? I'm thinking about either using Westley's White Wall bleach or the Coker brand of white wall cleaner. Regular Clorox might be too harsh..???

If bleaching won't work, then I could just leave them outside over the summer months with the unfaded side exposed and hope that this side will fade and match the rest of the tire. Maybe tape off the center tread portion and have cool looking cream wall tire with white center tread. :mrgreen:

Thanks for any input/advice.



There's this stuff for cars called Wesley's whitewall bleach I've seen at Autozone. My cousin uses it on his whites, and it works pretty good. Kinda diggin the cream color, though.
I actually like the cream better. I'd hang them up for sure if the Bleach-White doesn't work. Gary
i used clorox with water and a hand brush. it worked for me. not sure how it will work on sun burned tires but worked great for freshing up a old set of lightning darts i have. i would try it before you spend money on special white wall bleach (Dont wear nice clothes). good luck.
i use that stuff all the time on my 62 ranchero and it does an amazing job. wear gloves though the stuff will burn skin badly. also maybe try it on a small part of the tire first just to see what happens. you never know