Lots of great tunes to build by on that list. Jethro Tull, Bonnie Raitt, Steely Dan, and Harry Nilsson would be my favs from that listing.
As suspected, I did have a complete Campagnolo Record BB, including branded crank bolts and dust caps. After dialing it in and attaching the Gipiemme crankset, it was given a spin and it kept going for a ridiculous amount of time, The best part of this was that the spindle and crankset matched-up to make a perfect chainline. Such a great find in the BB bin.
The Atax stem was still a bit of a question, to polish or not to polish? I experimented with a few ideas and since it was already media blasted, it just got a little fine steel wool treatment that was followed by a cleaner car wax.
The Pivo Bars were something that I had experimentally polished up after they were acquired a few years ago and were plug-and-play, except for wrapping. Newbaum's cloth tape is my jam and they wrapped nicely, completed with some chromie plugs from my Eurotrash DooDad bin.
The Gipiemme seatpost was just a little dirty and oxidized, so it got the same treatment as the stem. The Brooks didn't need anything, other than a little pre-use leather treatment and attachment.
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Recent Tunes?
ZZ Top - Rio Grande Mud
Allman Brothers - Eat A Peach
Slade - Slayed?
Vinegar Joe - Vinegar Joe
Grand Funk Railroad - Phoenix
Yes - Close To The Edge
Thanks, Cap'n! It's ridiculously light. I can't imagine the wheels weighing it down to very much over 20#.That's a good looking steed
Updated pics after install?Blue Dream has been complete since last Fall, however the cockpit was wrong. I have a 3T 80mm stem on the way and will get 'er rolling proper in a week or so.