I have been thinking about doing a board track style bike for some time. Some of the bikes on here are really amazing but it seems to me the seat is too low and too close to the crank. This seems to me it would make the bike not fit and would be unable to ride it. I build lots of bikes but they all have to fit and be able to go on rides. So My main thought to this is to find a taller frame than what I would be able to stand over at a stop. This would allow me to have the seat all the way down to the frame and be able to reach the pedals and then I could find the appropriate bars for the right reach. Is this the right approach to building a board tracker? Also should I do 26 or 27 inch/700cc wheels. If I go the 27 inch/700cc way, what is the widest tire I can find for the wheels? Any info would be a great help.