Build a Suicide Brake

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Oct 28, 2007
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LoS aNgElEs
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I want to build a suicide brake for my bike...

has anyone done this before?

oh this is one of my bikes that I have done, this is my daily rider
CPC,A suicide brake to me is riding/sliding/crashing into something real hard.

Its not how fast ya go,but how fast ya stop that hurts.
wasnt there a post about somebody puttin a coaster brake on the front wheel and makin it hand operated with a lever :?: , a coaster on the front sounds like suicide to me :!:
I was wondering the same thing, but without using some sort of caliper set up like a bmx bike with a cable, I dont think you can do it.
THe set up that fast eddie had isnt really practical for a daily rider cause you cant pedal it.

If you just extend the brake arm, you need to keep the arm from slapping back if you ever backpedaled. That could be painful, it could take out one of your boys. :cry:
i posted my suicide brake bike on this site, i think in the gallery thread, i think its on my myspace too, that links in my signature, it dont pedal though, but im totally into the downhill gravity thing,
fast eddie outty