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Feb 9, 2008
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Ok I'm out of cool names , but this one is done. It rides really well considering its a single speed. I have a black alloy rear wheel wih a 3 speed Nexus on it. I might swap . The seat is just a mockup one. Should be a cool one with a chrome rail around the back, but you cant have everything. Hope you enjoy it. :wink:





Thanks guys It was a kinda fun build trying differant things. I'm learning alot about what to use and what not to use, and the result is a few bikes get built in the meantime. I probably will start the Baseman next week . My favorite sisterinlaw is comin for a week visit. :lol:
I love it!
Nice frame design, color,etc...
Are those 3" tires?
Your cranking out about 1 bike per week now aren't you? :shock:
karfer67 said:
it is a bass esc design i really like it especially the pointed rear stays very well done u da man

Yeah I have the back down pretty good on what I like...The forks on this one are still too long. They should be about 2'' shorter and It would look better , but being a trial build I'm just throwing stuff in there and seeing if I like it.

drabe said:
I love it!
Nice frame design, color,etc...
Are those 3" tires?
Your cranking out about 1 bike per week now aren't you? :shock:
Glad you like it. This one took a little longer because I got sidetracked on trying to build that springer...which I still need to finish.
Took about two weeks on this one I think....still not too shabby. Yeah the tires are the Kenda specials 26 x 3 .
Turned out great....I think you should paint them all orange....ha ha. :lol:
Stretch, please don't take this the wrong way, but I think its begging for a curved fork! The frame has such beautiful curved lines and then that fork looks straight like its off a BMX bike, it just clashes. Maybe if you stripped the paint, put it in a vice, heated the legs one at a time and put some gradual curve into them, then repainted. I know its a lot of work and you might tell me to shove off, I'm just giving you my .10 cents worth. Everything else a side, I think it looks fantastic.

Later T
Thanks Rodland...yep its been busy.
Travis that was never the forks for that bike. It should have the springer to add some bulk to the front. Maybe I can get it welded up .
I just built those forks to see what a larger tube would look like. All this stuff is just trial things. I need to know what I can do and its not really about the build. If you put alot of curve in the front forks , I think it would pull the front tire away from the curved downtube and really look bad. I wouldnt build another frame quiet like that again. The curve in the downtube is too short and visually its off alot from the tire diameter. On the basman they do a suttle curve and then a ninty back to the seat post. I missed it on this one. I wont make that mistake again.I saw what was wrong from the start and should have cut this one up too. I may bend another front curve and change it sometime. I just finished it to see how the dimensions I change would make the bike ride. Being a little shorter you have more control over the bike when you ride. A little more stretched out and the comfort is there but you cant ride it as well,if that makes sense.

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