But what is it worth as scrap metal?

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Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Rating - 100%
9   0   0
You kinda have to buy a Monark Silver King when one is offered to you. I need a project bike like Lincoln needs a hole in the head, but here it is. At least the money was right. And if I get into financial trouble, I can sell it as scrap!

Now to hide it from the little woman. :lol:


I think that tin can has an Iowa 5 cent bottle return stamp on it but I will give you a buck ;)
The funny thing about me finding this Silver King? It was completely through word of mouth.

My friend Jesse was at a bar watching the NCAA Championships. He and the guy next to him struck up a random conversation. A couple of beers later, this guy mentions he has an old aluminum cruiser frame in his basement. Jesse thinks nothing of it until he sees me and remembers I am obsessed with old bikes. He tells me about the guy and the aluminum frame, but he cant remember the guys name for anything. Luckily, Jesse mentions that he has seen the guy in the bar once or twice before.

Next week, I run into Jesse and he magically produces the guys phone number, email address and X-box LIVE I.D. (why?). The Silver King owner and I haggle price for the next couple of weeks, and then I don't here from him for a couple of weeks. Certain that he has sold elsewhere, I give up on the idea.

A week later, I see Jesse at work and he mentions running into Silver King yet guy again. This time he want to sell, and a few days later the Silver King is mine. For $50 less than we had first agreed on! :?