For a one or three piece crank? If you don't have the crank, these methods won't work, and require somebody else do some measuring for you.
For a three piece crank, you can measure the number of bolts, and distance on center. The number of bolts dictates the shape of the holes (like a constellation of stars), and their distance from one another determines the rest of the geometry. To cheat on the circumference, each roller is 1/2" on center. Therefore a 44 tooth chainring will be 22" in circumference plus a bit for roller width. To compensate for the roller width, add twice the diameter of the roller to each side of the overall diameter (one for each side of the sprocket).
For a one piece crank, measure the diameter of the crank arm at the bottom bracket for the hole diameter, and measure up the crank arm for the little holder peg thing. Figure out the circumference as outlines for a three piece crank.
WARNING: I have never worked with CAD and HIGHLY recommend checking to make sure my guesstimate is somewhat accurate before cutting up something expensive.