Thanks all 8)
About the title - there's been much (well deserved) criticism regarding the cheap Chinese engine kits, substandard components, poor castings, ill conceived mounting techniques and incorrect instructions... add in the propensity for people already looking to save a few bucks ordering through questionable ebay sources with little to no customer support and it's no wonder there's a plethora of disappointed and discouraged folks whom would denounce these kits as junk...
...and in many ways they're right
Yet what we have here is a bit of misrepresentation, an obvious example is how they're marketed. There is no "80cc" kit (it's actually 66cc) and while there's been some rumors that they use a different formula to measure displacement, that doesn't explain the 49cc kits... which actually are 49cc and legal in most states. That alone leads to disappointment and confusion when their "80cc" doesn't perform as expected.
that's just the tip of the iceberg lol
They're sold as 'Bicycle Engine Kits' and they are - but it's not the "kit" people think it is, while it can be done it's not as simple as "bolt it to your bike and go" and while the kit does include everything necessary to motorize your average bicycle, those components are the barest minimum - their quality and design compromised in the interest of keeping the cost as low as possible while simultaneously attempting to offer a "one size fits all" - when we all know that means "one size fits none" heh
Yet with a slightly different outlook these "junk engine kits" become incredibly entertaining and actually amazingly reliable - the trick of it is quite simple, it's not so much a "bicycle engine kit" in that it's a kit to convert a bicycle, but much more an
engine kit for a bicycle - in that if you consider the engine itself as a kit to be taken apart and cleaned, sloppy castings smoothed and polished, and the substandard components regarded as included "free" to be replaced and upgraded with ones more suitable - suddenly we have a wonderfully simple, well running engine perfect for it's application.
So while you can just "bolt n'go" and many have - you'll get exactly what you paid for, no more and even perhaps less... not really a surprise when you consider the
entire motorized bicycle kit, let alone an internal combustion engine - can be had for less than a quality wheelset. So while I'll be the first to admit these kits
are cheap junk - that doesn't mean there's isn't a ton of potential. In many ways it's no different than the crusty, unloved and forgotten Rollfast the motor is mounted on, if you're handy, willing and able to take the time to fix something up - if you get a kick out of making something yourself, then these motor kits are a pleasure... if not - then yea, they're pretty much disappointment in a box.
Thanks for the complements and taking the time to read my little rant lol, it just breaks my heart a little to see so many, the kids in particular that end up discouraged - misled by expectations and advertising.