I decided to have a little fun today, so I grabbed all my battery powered LED light strands, some electrical tape and my Torch! Set up all my materials in the carport and started thinking about the task at hand over a cup of coffee a smoke and little steven's underground garage in my ears.
As you can see I used some bubble wrap around the tank area where the battery boxes were mounted with tape. The paint on this bike is way too nice not to!
These two shots were with flash, the next two were without flash. Sorry for the "movement" but you still get a pretty good idea of what it looks like rolling at night.
Hope you enjoyed. Later & PEACE!!!! :mrgreen:
As you can see I used some bubble wrap around the tank area where the battery boxes were mounted with tape. The paint on this bike is way too nice not to!
These two shots were with flash, the next two were without flash. Sorry for the "movement" but you still get a pretty good idea of what it looks like rolling at night.
Hope you enjoyed. Later & PEACE!!!! :mrgreen: