Clear coat problems

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Jun 13, 2007
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Lawrence, KS
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Every time I spray clear coat I have problems. The latest bike was painted with spray enamel paint then left to dry for several weeks. I sprayed clear gloss enamel over it and the quality is awful. It is glossy in some areas and a matte finish in other areas. I switched to a different brand and it made the paint bubble is some places. Any suggestions on how to do clear coat properly? Thanks.
ive never had bubbles, but im familiar with uneven coverage like your talking about. i realized that my strokes when priming/painting/clearc coating are too fast, thats why i was getting the coverage or consistencey i wanted. im hesitant to make strokes too slow cuz i dont want drips, but i had to find (and am still finding) a happy medium. are you holding the spray can 12 " inches from the surface your painting? where are you letting the painted item cure? if its too hot/cold/humid that could effect curing negatively also. i think using the same brand clear as paint and primer is a good idea too. next time ya buy products tell someone at the store what problems your running into and see if they have any advice.
fast eddie outty
if you ended up with bubbles its probably because of oils on the surface before you cleared.

i would have washed my hands scuffed the color coat, washed my hands, wiped down with degreaser with something that wont leave lint behind. wash your hands , dont touch it and clear.
If the paint is sprayed too far from the work piece it starts to dry before it hits the surface, leaving a non gloss finish.
I spray on clear coat almost immediately after the last coat of color, basically within a minute. I have read you can wait 10 mintues, but I have never waited that long, I think it helps the clear bind and level with the first stage of paint, but since it sat for a short moment, the clear still sits on top.

Maybe if you were concerned with seeing your problem areas dry first, let that first stage application dry and cure, then fix any problems, hit it with color again, then follow immediately with clear.
Solid advice from everyone, thanks. I shot some clear over the weekend and I did better by holding the can closer to the frame. As MadMick said, I think the paint was drying before it hit the surface, especially since I had these problems when the outside temps were in the 90s.

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